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我们的文凭由许多显耀的大学很好认可。Our Diploma is well recognised by many renowned universities.

北京为它丰厚的宫殿是显耀的、寺庙和宏大的石墙和门。Beijing is renowned for its opulent palaces, temples, and huge stone walls and gates.

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水彩的透明性有助于将阴影活灵活现,且让光度亮丽显耀。The transparency of the medium helps in bringing shadows alive while allowing the light to glow.

舞蹈起源于模仿鸟类等野生动物向潜在伴侣显耀。Dancing mimics what happens in the wild with birds and other animals showing off to potential mates.

这块直径约为15厘米的菲斯通盘出土于克里特岛,目前陈列在伊拉克利翁展览馆最显耀的展位上。The disc, about 15 centimetres in diameter, occupies pride of place at the Heraklion Museumin Crete.

倒也相称的是,我的王室祖先地位没有这么显耀,与民主派的关系差不多也同样密切。Appropriately, my royal connections were both less impressive and offset by equally strong democratic ties.

有趣的事,它们都显耀着同一种气氛,那就是崇高,淳朴,纯洁,并且通常由天使般的合唱来配音。Interestingly, though, all boast the same ambience—lofty, pristine, and pure, backed often by an angelic-sounding choir.

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炫耀性消费让男性展示了物质方面的能力,而显耀的善举则令女性表现出自我牺牲的精神。Conspicuous consumption allows men to demonstrate the former. Blatant benevolence allows women to demonstrate the latter.

不过对第二种观点,即显耀的善举也是为了吸引异性,人们可能会感到惊讶,所以研究人员又做了一个比较试验。Everybody knows that fast cars attract fast women. The second, though, may come as a surprise. So the team did an experiment to compare them.

一个想法就是将其转变成世俗机构,国家领导人,皇室甚至中国的显耀人物都可以表达他们的敬意。One idea is to turn it into a secular institution, where national leaders, the imperial family and even Chinese dignitaries could pay their respects.

当在10年前第一份财富名单开始公布,一些排名显耀的成员就发现自己被调查了。When the first rich lists were published in China nearly a decade ago, several names prominent in the rankings soon found themselves under investigation.

俄罗斯总统过去在俄罗斯国家电视台NTV的采访中赞扬了显耀人物特朗普,称赞他是一个有才华和天赋的人才。The Russian president, who has in the past called Trump a 'brilliant and talented person', spoke in favor of the mogul during an interview with Russian channel NTV.

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舞蹈起源于模仿鸟类等野生动物向潜在伴侣显耀。像人类一样他们必须证明自己是个当父母的好材料。Dancing mimics what happens in the wild with birds and other animals showing off to potential mates. Like humans they have to prove that they are good parenting material.

小偷在我们的生活中并不少见,被小偷侵害的人也不在少数,但是小偷显耀自己你看到吗?Pilferer is living in our life a lot to catch sight of , Man which by pilferer fareed inroads on is also not within minority , Yet pilferer shows off self , and you catch sight of ?

在显耀的财富可吸引政府当局不必要注意的中国,这两位企业家在其公司准备上市前始终保持低调。In a country where outstanding wealth can attract the unwelcome attention of the authorities, the two entrepreneurs kept low profiles as their company prepared for its market listing.

一年一度的斯诺克世锦赛在英国北部的谢菲尔德市的克鲁斯堡大剧院举行,他们已然在大赛上显耀了其天才。They have been showing off their talent at the World Snooker Championship, which takes place every year here in the UK at the Crucible Theatre in the northern English city of Sheffield.

作为房地产开发商和消费者之间的桥梁,房地产广告无疑在这一对供求关系中处在最为显耀的位置。As the intermedium of property developer and consumer, the real estate advertisement occupies a significant position. Compare to other profession , the real estate behaved more different.

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侗族姑娘出嫁,均举行隆重的仪式,以侗族特有的腌鱼、腌肉及其它食物伴嫁,黎平登杠侗寨的姑娘婚礼更为显耀。A grand ceremony is held when Dong girls marry. Dong girls have special Dong fish and meat to be their dowries . The wedding of the Dong girls in Denggang village of Liping County is the grandest one.