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这正是你溜之大吉的好时机。It's a good time for you to slip away.

当一只健康的老鼠闻到猫的味道时,立马溜之大吉。When a healthy rat smells a cat, it flees.

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改变你的生活,让恐惧溜之大吉。Change your life, get the fear out of here.

实际上,他是在打算溜之大吉。He was really planning to slip out and away.

当警方介入时,他们便溜之大吉。They scarpered when the police got involved.

怎么?这样你又可以拿我钱财溜之大吉?。What? So you can piss off with my money again?

我想,两年里我会彻底溜之大吉”。I think I'll be out of here entirely in a couple of years.

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它们似乎经常在你最需要它们的时候溜之大吉。They always seem to slip away right when you need them most.

门是开着的,他可以穿过门厅向大门冲去,溜之大吉。The door was open. He could make a dash for it down the hall.

她从姐妹会的圣殿里偷了几件珍贵的文物后,便溜之大吉。Seib stole several precious artifacts from their temple and scarpered.

当他们无法偿还债务,他们会两天之内溜之大吉。When they could not pay their debts, they skipped out between twodays.

我回头一看,我的“战利品”趁我说话时溜之大吉了。I looked back to see my "loot" when talking to me beat a hasty retreat.

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警察赶到时,夜贼早已翻后墙溜之大吉了。When the police arrived, the burglars took a powder over the back wall.

那人一看佛祖赢了,向溜之大吉,便借故上wc。That person looked budda to win, to sneak away, the wc on find an excuse.

按照这位经理的说法,肇事者是当地一伙游手好闲的小混混儿,他们在扔完馅饼后就溜之大吉了。He said a gang of local "neds", or yobs, threw the pies before running off.

尤其是一些鸟类很机警,一旦感觉到你的存在就会溜之大吉。In particular, some birds, very alert, if feel you will leave the territory.

他们不像这里的其他人,那些家伙会拿着你的钱溜之大吉。They’re not like the rest of the people here, who will disappear with your money.

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大姑闻声追了出来,我们赶紧“哎呀”一声,溜之大吉。The elder sister-in-law heard noise to make track for to come out, we hurriedly"oh"1, absquatulate.

闯入露丝家的窃贼,完全可以把所有的东西都复制到一张光盘上,然后溜之大吉。The thieves who broke into Ruth’s house could have copied everything on to a disk before they scarpered.

帅飘就开始为周院长出主意让他溜之大吉,但是周院长说日本人躲不掉。Handsome wave began to dean ideas for weeks to run away, but zhou said the Japanese cannot run away from.