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那个人是个草包。That man is a bungling oaf.

肯就是个甜美的草包美男。Ken is a sweet piece of man candy.

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哇,你的现任男友真草包。Wow, your new boyfriend is screwed.

这家公司少了一个草包经理,岂不更好。The company will be one schock manager short.

她把玻璃用草包住,这样就不会打碎了。She packed the glass in straw so that it wouldn't break.

海索草包含有一种脂肪酸,激励皮肤再生长。Hyssop contains a fatty acid that stimulates the skin to reproduce.

他发现上个月聘用的新人实在是草包一个。The employee he hired last month was found to be an apple of Sodom.

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如果我仅仅是个草包,你也就不会渴望嫁给我了。Had I been a mere clod, you would not have desired me for a husband.

我穿着一身意大利制西装,因为在心里觉得自己是大草包。I wear all this Italian shit because underneath I still feel like the Bronx.

我穿着一身意大利制西装,因为在心里觉得自己是个大草包。I wear all this Italian suit because underneath, I still feel like the Bronx.

肯就是个甜美的草包美男,我们应该提醒黛比,告诉她外表并不能代表一切。Ken is a sweet piece of man candy, Debbie has to be told that looks are not everything.

肯就是个甜美的草包美男,我们应该提醒德比,告诉她外表并不能代表一切。Ken is a sweet piece of man candy, and Debbie has to be told that looks are not everything.

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中国就是有太多的这样的军事草包,自作聪明,妄称专家。There are too many of such military good-for-nothings who are presumptuously called experts.

玛丽的父亲声称他不愿意把女儿嫁给像约翰这样一个草包而毁掉她。Mary's father declared his unwillingness to hurl his daughter away on a useless fellow like John.

他觉得自己有钱就比别人都高一等。他不过是个妄自尊大的草包罢了。He thinks that just because he has money he's superior to everyone else. He's nothing but a stuffed shirt.

咱们筹办出行过假日,偏生这时候你那草包兄弟来了并且呆了很永劫间。Just as we were ready to go away for the holidays, your fool of a brother must needs come ane stay for along time.

他们常常给人以绣花枕头草包心的感觉,不讨老板欢心是自然不过的事了。They often give people the feeling of the heart embroidered pillow idiot, not to please the boss is natural to discuss things.

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本发明属于货物运输用支承垫领域,特别是一种草包木芯组合支垫。The invention belongs to the field of support gasket for transporting goods, especially a straw packaging wood-core combination support gasket.

杭州纳斯服饰有限公司以一流设备和专业的技术,成为割草包专业制造商。Welcome customers to send letters and call us. We have become a professional lawn mower bag manufactory with first-class equipments and professional technologies.

发个信息给草包,草包准把手机掏,掏出手机低头看,发现自己是笨蛋。Send an information to give good for nothing, blockhead allows to draw out the mobile phone, draw out skill machine to lower his head to look, him discovery is fool.