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众人来到了洋楼外。They came to the building outside.

可是,钱能买洋楼,可以买到温暖的家吗?Money can buy mansions, but can it buy a warm home?

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可是,钱能买洋楼,可以买到温暖的家吗?However, with much money, they can buy houses, but can they also buy warm families?

后来我上了洋楼,才躲过这一场灾难①,没有让狗嘴咬坏我的腿。Not until I hid into a western style building did I avoid the disaster of losing a leg.

这时,出神婆神神叨叨地提出,城中某处有一座洋楼,闲置,僻静。At this moment, a ShenPo god, god put off somewhere in the city has a mansions, unused, quiet.

形势紧迫,刀锋当即决议趁夜转移至洋楼。The situation is urgent, blade promptly resolution the watches of the night shift to mansions.

周围环境杰出,交通很便利,时尚豪华的电梯洋楼。Circumjacent environment is good, traffic is convenient, fashionable and luxurious elevator building.

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德胜洋楼是一家著名的木结构住宅建筑商,总部在美国加州…Tecsun is a well-know wood-frame house builder located in the state of California in the United States.

汪中求用“分析德胜洋楼的与众不同”开始了自己的讲座。Wang Zhong begged to begin own academic chair with"analytical virtuous win ocean of building of different".

于是燕子飞过了城市上空,看见富人们在自己漂亮的洋楼里寻欢作乐,而乞丐们却坐在大门口忍饥挨饿。So the Swallow flew over the great city, and saw the rich making merry in their beautiful houses, while the beggars were sitting at the gates.

在修建裕民街的同时,刘文彩还在此街上修建了同庆茶楼、星廷戏院、花园洋楼、米市、肥猪市。During its construction, Liu Wencai also set up Tongqing Tea House, Xingting Theater, Foreign-style Building with Gardens, Rice Market and Fat Pig City.

前不久,我应邀去苏州德胜洋楼公司参观,刚好碰上一家老小到公司向老板谢恩。A while back, I was invited to go check out the Tecsun Homes in Suzhou, and I just happened to run into an entire family that had come to the company to thank the boss.