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无独有偶地,这样的相似区块也出现在北极附近。A clump of similar patches exists near the North Pole.

在测试产品时凌虐动物这一方面,工业是无独有偶的。Industry is not alone in its abuse of animals in product testing.

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王鹏对此感动非常失望,但他的经历无独有偶。Wang is very disappointed over the situation, but he is not alone.

无独有偶,美国芝加哥也有一只四耳猫,它多余的两只耳朵甚至比Luntik的还要大。There's a cat living in Chicago with an even bigger pair of spare ears.

无独有偶,印尼的大部分印度教信徒都生活在巴厘岛。Coincidentally, the most of Hindu population in Indonesia are located in Bali.

颠末再度处置地面料将会是不同凡响,无独有偶地。After the lining which processes once again could be out of the ordinary, unique.

无独有偶,同样在最近发布燃料电池消息的还有其他厂商。Coincidentally, that's about the fuel battery news is also publish by others company.

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无独有偶,该影片被一名前去试映会的文化界权威炮轰。Coincidentally, this movie was attacked by a cultural authority who went to a preview.

无独有偶,去年6月也门一架客机在科摩罗群岛附近坠毁,唯一幸存的是一名12岁的女孩。Last June, a 12-year-old girl was the sole survivor of a Yemeni plane crash off the Comoros.

这与约翰·肯尼迪的潮起抬高所有船的观点真是无独有偶。That was really no different from John F. Kennedy’s idea that a rising tide lifts all boats.

这词1711年时第一次出现在一本书里。这书的名字吗,无独有偶,就叫“俱乐部”。The word first appeared in English in 1711 in a book called, appropriately enough, The Club.

然而无独有偶,凤凰卫视在采访这名考生时,考生的回答让观众们大跌眼镜。However, while interviewed by a TV Channel, what the student said had stunned all the audience.

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无独有偶,在二手房交易市场中出现了一批独立经纪人。Coincidentally, the Housing transactions in the secondary market, a number of independent brokers.

健力士啤酒使用了极少量鱼鳔制成的明胶来过滤,该含动物明胶的工艺无独有偶。Guinness is filtered using tiny amounts of gelatin derived from fish bladders. And it's not alone.

她补充说,无独有偶,世界杯前夕出笼的这项提案也正值地方选举前夕。She added that it was no coincidence the proposals had come before the World Cup and local elections.

无独有偶,在自然科学的其他领域,人们也大量投入了纳税人的钱财。But, just occasionally, other fields get to play with some big, taxpayer-funded kit of their own, too.

无独有偶,而今的艾敬也成为这样一位身兼音乐人、画家、作家等跨界艺术家。It's not a unique instance. Ai Jing now has become such a versatile artist of music, painting and writing.

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无独有偶,宝马和西门子也正在合作开发出租汽车专用的感应充电站。Likewise, BMW and Siemens are partnering to develop inductive charging stations for eventual use by taxis.

无独有偶,类似的情况也发生在宾夕法尼亚州的Hazelton,案件至今还在另一家联邦上诉法院中审理。A similar case, this one from Hazelton, Pennsylvania, is still pending before another federal appeals court.

无独有偶,去年九月,在德国一只罗德西亚背脊犬也登上了头条,她也产下了17只幼犬。Rhodesian Ridgeback in Germany also hit the headlines last September when she also gave birth to 17 puppies.