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川江斗笠子滩为枯水急流滩险。Doulizi beach is the dry rapids in Chuanjiang River.

因此,将长期下泄“枯水”流量。As a result, it will discharge at "low water" continuously.

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枯水浮皮与腐烂是柑桔果实贮藏中的主要问题。Granulation and decay is the key problem of citrus fruits storage.

同时,我们还专门对丰水年和枯水年的水资源状况进行了研究。Water resource for high flow years and low flow years is also discussed.

冬天枯水季节可以从河西走到橘子洲头。From the west bank one can walk to the Orange Islet during the winter dry season.

对水文测站的洪水与枯水巡视进行了可行性分析。The paper analyzes ground survey of flood and low water in hydrological survey station.

基于低定量取样的模型可利用更多枯水流量信息,具有更强的物理相关性。The Po-Ex model incorporates more information of low flow and has more physical relevant.

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贵阳地区的枯水资源系统是一个耗散结构,同时也是一个灰色系统。Low-water resources system in Guiyang region is a dissipative structure and a gray system.

本文主要讨论人工神经网络在喀斯特流域及其枯水径流研究中的应用。This paper focuses on application of ANNS in the study of the karst basin and its low flow.

介绍枯水频率分析中的常用线型以及频率分布线型的选择方法。The distribution form and the selection methods in low flow frequency analysis were introduced.

果实枯水时,水分从果肉到果皮的转移速度大于正常果。During granulation, the transfer of moisture from pulp to peel is faster than that of normal fruit.

目标函数综合考虑了水量平衡、确定性系数、洪峰和枯水流量过程。The objectives include, overall water balance, overall shape of the hydrograph, peak flow, and low flow.

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宜昌枯水水位的变化直接关系到葛洲坝船闸能否正常运行。The change of Yichang water level in dry season has a direct impact on the function of Gezhouba ship lock.

根据近两年来水量分析,预计今后黄河流域和长江流域将出现6年左右的平水或偏枯水阶段。There will be a normal or dry phase for about 6 years in Huanghe River Basin and Yangtze River Basin in the future.

并提出了扎龙湿地补水建议,为在枯水年向扎龙湿地调水补水提供有力的科学依据。The water recharge mode was proposed and it provide the scientific basis for water diversion to the wetland in dry year.

并研究了仅由均值变化引起的这两个流域丰水、平水及枯水年出现的概率变化。The probability of annual runoff for high, normal, and low flow years due to the change of mean annual runoff was studied.

在枯水年,现状水资源承载力的数量、类型和平水年相比必然有趋于一致或加剧趋势。Compared with the normal flow years, the quantities and types of WRCC have an equal or intensifying trend in low flow years.

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由于咸潮上溯属于沿海地区一种特有的季候性自然现象,多发于枯水季节、干旱时期。As a unique seasonal natural phenomenon along the coastal areas, Salty Tide usually occurs in the dry season or the period of drought.

采用系统和比较的方法对影响枯水径流的自然与人为因素、枯水径流的预测方法进行总结。Using the systemic and comparative methods, this paper reviews the low flow runoff from natural and anthropogenic factors, its forecast methods.

介绍了BP人工神经网络的枯水径流预报方法,编制了锦屏一级水电站枯水径流预报方案。This paper introduced the low-flow forecasting method of BP artificial neural network and made a low-flow forecasting scheme for Jinping-I Hydropower Station.