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羞答答不肯把头抬。Blushing, she turns her head without a qualm.

她的举止令人有种自然的羞答答的感觉。There is a natural coyness about her behavior.

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美丽温柔的尤拉丽亚成了我羞答答的新娘。The fair and gentle Eulalie has become my blushing bride.

她羞答答地瞟了史密斯一眼。She glanced shyly at Smith out of the corners of her eyes.

少数人会羞答答的说他们正在斟酌他们的选择。A few sheepishly say they are just exploring their options.

她含羞答答,在探视着外面的世界。She containing sheepishly, in cells with the outside world.

后来,她心里似乎在说,“还有必要再羞答答的吗?Then, as though her heart had said, 'Is coyness longer necessary?

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你能告诉我那位羞答答的女孩叫什么名字吗?Would you please tell the name of that girl who looks as shy as Daphne?

说是几分新意,是因为这个发展态势是羞答答的。One says sort of news because of the timid way this development has been presented.

这时一个羞答答的声音在后面叫她的名字,她回过头来,看见了查尔斯·汉密尔顿。As she did, a shy voice behind her called her name and, turning, she saw Charles Hamilton.

那个羞答答的微笑依然恰当地挂在那里,但他根本就没在看她,她不高兴地走了。The coy smile was still in place, but he wasn't looking at her, and she left dissatisfied.

我现在偶而还是会,有点紧张或羞答答的,但我有克服它的妙方。I still have it sometimes – that shy, nervous feeling. Only, now I can push back the negative emotions.

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我们发现很难与孩子们谈论这个话题,但是这些学生并不像我想象中的那么羞答答,相反,对孩子们来说,非常自然。We find it hard to talk about sex with our children, but the students have not been as shy as I imagined.

少女抬眼顾盼,羞答答情怯怯,秋波在同伴身上流连忘返。The maiden raised her eyes and suffered them to linger upon her companion with a bashful and admiring gaze.

栗子的外壳在撞击在地面上时完全绽裂开来,露出油光光羞答答的褐色果肉。The chestnut husks split wide open when they came to the ground, revealing the polished brown of the shy fruit.

从这个意义上说,复出不能是温室里羞答答的玫瑰,而必须是骄阳下的向日葵,需要一套阳光下的程序。In this sense, the return can not be Shy greenhouse roses, but must be under the sun, sunflowers, need a program under the sun.

满山果树色彩缤纷,那套袋的苹果,打开后,阳光照射,几天就露出红颜,羞答答的挂满枝头,呼唤果农来采摘。Manshan fruit colour, the bagging apples, open, sunshine, days on his confidante, shy hangs full branch, call to picking fruit.

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她的母亲问她是否接受这个婚姻﹐她羞答答地回道一切但凭父母做主。When her mother asked her if she also agreed to the marriage proposal, she replied shyly that it was totally up to her parents.

七月的乡村,我的初孕的羞答答的女人,我的满怀柔情蜜意的女人,就让我静静地躺在你的怀中安歇吧!Village of July, my shy lady in her first pregnancy, my sweet lady full of tender affection, just let me take a rest in your bosom please.

莫芮拉的网络游览器火狐正是最有力的挑战者之一,而该项目的领衔工程师却只是一个羞答答的19岁男孩。Firefox, an Internet browser from Mozilla is one of most powerful Challenger, and the headed engineer of this project is only a 19- year- old bashful boy.