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它娴静端庄却又性感十足。It's demure yet very sexy.

她冲他娴静地笑了笑。She gave him a demure smile.

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她身上有一种娴静的高贵气质。She has a quiet dignity about her.

淡眉暗发娴静手一双。Pale brows, still hands and dim hair.

秀气的江南是一位婀娜多姿,温柔娴静的小家碧玉。Delicate snakes south of the Yangtze River is a gentle quiet of.

摄影师镜头中的大天鹅,娴静文雅,充满诗意。A photographer captures the grace and poetry of the whooper swan.

仿佛诗经里娴静婉约的唯美佳人,在水一方,揽镜自照。If the demure graceful beauty in aesthetic, in the water side, gazing at itself in a mirror.

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鲍勃的妹妹很害羞,非常娴静,我只在她侍酒时见过她。Bob's sister seems rather shy, as quiet as a mouse. I only saw her when she was serving drinks.

但她似乎是个贞洁娴静的女子,依此揣测,又是格格不入。But she seems a woman that the chaste Xian calms down, surmises according to this, again inharmonious.

即便你从未接触贾曼的电影或绘画,还是园艺,你还是能够从其文字作品中品味他丰富的情感和娴静优雅。Even if you have never seen a Jarman film or painting, or garden, you can savor the passion and grace of his writing.

整个上午,我素手挽来些许怡然娴静,尽管做为活动现场主持的我未曾种下一颗树。As the compere of this event, through I had not plant trees by myself, but I had enjoyed the peacefulness in the nature.

看来她一定是一个性格非常复杂的女人,这同她那端庄娴静的外表倒构成了极富于戏剧性的对比。She must be a woman of complicated character, and there was something dramatic in the contrast of that with her demure appearance.

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虽然模特们通常会被告知,在镜头前要表现得多一点娴静少一点顽皮,但科库娃还是以她的方式在每张照片中都展现出她风趣的个性。Although supermodels are often told to be more serene and placid than naughty, KK is able to translate her fun personality into each photo shoot.

夏天的金叶子,月朗风轻,总是能给人一种清逸娴静的感觉。The golden leaves of summer along with the bright moonlight and the gentle zephyr would always bestow a feeling of tranquility and leisure on us.

华美的客厅洋溢着娴静优美的气息,素洁轻盈的色线营造着浪漫的情趣。生活,本就该如此无拘无束。The gorgeous parlor are full of peaceful and elegant breath, the simple and slight light makes the romantic taste. Life should be so free inward.

谁?她一点点向上看,深蓝色的服装,长长的腿,铜衣扣,无檐帽下一张洁白娴静的脸儿。Who could it be? She raised her benthead slowly and saw a navy blue suit, long legs, brass buttons and then a clear fair face under abrimless cap.

她有一个娴静的方式,几乎与她亲密的朋友好玩,但刘慧卿可害羞,沉默,甚至是陌生人的存在贬值。She had a demure manner that was almost fun with her close friends, but Emily could be shy, silent, or even depreciating in the presence of strangers.

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读书能够荡涤浮躁的尘埃污秽,过滤出一股沁人心脾的灵新之气,甚至还可以创造出一种超凡脱俗的娴静氛围。Impetuous study to clean up dirty dust, filters out the soul of a fresh, new atmosphere, they can even create a quiet atmosphere of extraordinary refined.

顾曼桢优雅娴静,在家里照顾母亲,在外独立工作,与同事沈世钧的爱情刚刚萌芽。Gu Manzhen is elegant and gentle and quiet, the mother is taken care of in the home, outer independence works, the love with colleague Shen Shijun just budding.

——如果接线女孩是温驯娴静的,或甚至速记员是温驯娴静的,那会有什么好处呢?温柔谦卑当然在外表上很吸引人,它是女性气质的外部特征,就如同女人剪的短发一样。And a demure telephone girl? Or even a demure stenographer? Demureness, to be sure, is outwardly becoming, it is an outward mark of femininity, like bobbed hair.