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口感圆润滑顺。Round and smooth mouth.

点几滴润滑眼药水。Tried lubricating drops.

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隙缝中常填入润滑脂。Often fill in gaps grease.

没有润滑就没有视力。No lubrication, no eyesight.

机器的润滑状态。The machine lubricating state.

请使用润滑油,润滑和更多的润滑Do use lube, lube and more lube

这油能有效地起润滑作用。This oil lubricates efficiently.

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可令皮毛光亮,如丝般润滑。Extra shine and silkiness to coats.

润滑天线转动的部分。Lubricate moving parts of antennae.

为肌肤享受润滑剃须做好准备。Preps skin for a comfortable shave.

我能将不同的润滑脂混合在一起吗?Can I mix different greases together?

具有良好的润滑、防锈、清洗性。Good lubrication, rust-proof, cleaning.

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浸油润滑,保证采用常年炉龄。Dip-in lubrication guarantees long life.

润滑,让蓖麻油更加的润滑。Lubricin. Makes castor oil more slippery.

该阀采用锻钢阀体,密封为自润滑工程塑料。The valve body is made from forged steel.

我该如何处理废油和废润滑脂?How do I dispose my used oils and greases?

煤油伟大工程的润滑他们!Kerosene works great for lubricating them!

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阿连锁经营的润滑巢争夺。A nest vie of lubricator operating linkage.

手动泵油润滑所有可移动的部分。Manual oil pump lubricates all moveable parts.

禁止润滑调整器或使用管道油。Never lubricate a regulator or use pipe dopes.