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事实将证明我说的话属实。The facts will hold up what I said.

如果属实,是出于什么原因?If so, what is the reason behind it?

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那人控告她并发誓说控告属实。The man swore an accusation against her.

如属实,你能否介绍相关信息?If so, can you introduce relevant details?

如果哈密尔敦爵士对我所报属实的话。If what Lord Hamilton tells me is correct.

侦探宣誓所控属实后领到一张搜查证。The detectives swore out a search warrant.

记者可以查证这些数据属实。This reporter was able to verify these data.

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是的,所有的那一切都不言而喻,但也不完全属实。And while all that is true, it’s also not true.

如果情况属实,这种做法将会被判作是垄断行为。If true, such a move could be judged monopolistic.

没有经验者的经验不可能属实。Without an experiencer the experience is not real.

卡夫认为所有的三个事例都不属实。Carver thinks all three of these examples are bunk.

检察官称被拘犯杀害洛伊丝属实。The prosecutor averred that the prisoner killed Lois.

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如果事情一旦查证属实,那他就是罪责难逃。If a thing once verified, that he is held accountable.

还有其他人质疑这则声明是否属实。Others questioned whether the announcement was genuine.

不过来自伊朗内部的消息称此事并不属实。But sources inside Iran say that this is misinformation.

我不知道这些故事哪怕有半句属实。I have no idea if these stories are even partially true.

埃亨称,有关爱尔兰正在进行援助谈判的报导"不属实".Ahern said reports Ireland was in aid talks were "fiction."

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但是朱教授想确定他的发现是否是属实的。But Dr Zhu wanted to be sure that that was truly what he had.

如果该消息属实,那么阿奎罗将成为曼城历史上身价最高的签约球星。If true it would make Aguero the club's most expensive signing.

一位目击者确证驾驶员的说法属实。A person who saw the accident corroborated the driver's statement.