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因此,希拉里打算为了选票把真相和盘托出。So Hillary's going to come clean for the votes.

你把你稳定的工作和盘托出,她们却头也不回的走了!You tell them all about your stable job, they turn their backs.

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前新泽西州同性恋州长分居已久的前妻将事情原委和盘托出。The estranged wife of New Jersey's gay ex-governor is telling all.

杜丽娘为了救他,来到官府将详情和盘托出。In order to save her lover, Du comes to court and explains everything.

千万不要翻箱倒柜,当面立马将所有消极情绪都和盘托出。Be careful not to dump all of your negative feelings on your partner at once.

“趁热给他们端上来,”迈尔斯。克劳福德说,“血淋淋地和盘托出。”Gave it to them on a hot plate , Myles Crawford said, the whole bloody history.

对女人来说,向朋友和盘托出自己的问题是一种信任和友谊的象征For a woman, sharing problems with her friends is a sign of trust and friendship.

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我的心开始连续猛击我的胸部,我知道我必须对我的双亲和盘托出。When my heart started pounding out of my chest, I knew I had to come clean with my parents.

富龙终将自己与力行的身份和盘托出,司徒舜听后大受打击。Important will himself with the identity of the practice, SiTuShun after hearing the big hit.

他没完没了地说个不停,把他的调查人员能找到的关于阿肯色州的所有情况和盘托出。He dragged it out forever by telling everything his researchers could find out about Arkansas.

如果和盘托出的话,华盛顿还撤消了对华尔街的监管,从而保证它们不遭受大的损失。Most telling of all Washington deregulated Wall Street while insuring it against major losses.

没错,戴夫。我计诱你和盘托出。每个字都被我给录下来了。That's right, Dave. I tricked you into giving a confession. And I've recorded every word of it.

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战区司令部内,郝俊杰将卧底的实施细节,向刘司令和盘托出。Command, jun-jie hao will undercover implementation details, to the commander liu told the whole.

只要大家稍微助助她的兴,这庸俗的女人便马上滔滔不绝地把一肚子的话和盘托出。A very little encouragement would set that worldly woman to talk volubly, and pour out all within her.

责罚和盘托出,挖苦两人的关系,轻蔑藐视——都是破坏夫妻关系的毒药。Along with blame comes criticism and its bitchy close relation, contempt — both are poisonous to a relationship.

即使是道明情况,也不要和盘托出,就像在日常交往中不要暴露自己真实的想法一样。And when you explain, be not too explicit, just as you do not expose your inmost thoughts in ordinary intercourse.

在他任首相期间,他反对议会和盘托出,他曾在财政部干过10年,之后就入住唐宁街10号三年。He rejected a tell-all version of his time in Westminster, with 10 years at the Treasury and three years at No 10.

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老疙瘩想让贾小枪引日军进入树林的埋伏圈,贾小枪把他的计划和盘托出。An old pimple want jia small gun led the Japanese to enter the forest an ambush, jia small gun laid his CARDS on the plan.

要是他不同意一群人的态度或个别人的意见,他要么守口如瓶,要么和盘托出自己反对的理由。If he disagreed with a group's attitude or an individual's opinion, he kept his mouth shut or brutally spoke his contradiction.

摆了一半黑白子忍不住了,问任盈盈如此才能将此局和盘托出不会让她白说的。Put half of black and white children cant help, ask for ying ying so we can put the CARDS on the bureau will not let her white said.