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做秘书是在埋没她的才能。Secretarial work is a waste of her talent.

泥石流埋没了整个村庄。The mud-rock flow submerged the whole village.

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是我太懦弱、宁愿将所有错都埋没。I was too weak, would rather all wrong are buried.

吹毛求疵是人们必须埋没的一个才干。Faultfinding is one talent that ought to be buried.

而我这个名字必须陪伴我埋没致死来脱罪吗?。And must my name until I die. Be no more than an alibi?

我埋没了我的头在被子之下,但我的伯母听见了我。I buried my head under the quilts , but my aunt heard me.

加芬克尔称,员工应该避免“把自己埋没在”工作中。Workers should avoid 'hiding themselves' at work, he says.

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有时候巨大岩石崩落埋没了压路机及其他机器。Huge rockslides at times bury bulldozers and other machines.

速度较快的参与者也不再急于将邻居埋没。The faster player was no longer rushing to bury their neighbor.

我在店里找到的那件衬衫真是被埋没了的好货。This shirt I found in the store is a real diamond in the rough.

“我的时运终将到来,”它说,“我是不会长久被埋没的。"My time will come," it said. "I was not made to be hidden forever.

历史是个有趣的活物,会将人物埋没于时间的迷雾中。History is a funny animal. People can get lost in the mists of time.

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接下去的几周内,右边轮胎逐渐陷落,几乎要被沙地埋没了。During the next couple of weeks, the right wheels sank, almost buried.

在旧社会许多有才干的青年常被埋没。In old society many talented young people were too often ploughed under.

有了这个系统,在网页上最好的交易会变得热门起来,而不会被埋没。With this system the best deals are set higher on the page instead of buried.

往时的风气及热情早以埋没在时光里了,不知什么时候才能把它们找回。I couldnt say anything but telling that time passes faster than U could imagin.

意大利报纸早前报道了一艘装载有600多名灾黎的船只在利比亚相近埋没。Italian newspapers earlier reported that a boat carrying 600 refugees sank near Tripoli.

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图书馆员们最值得称道的,然而也是被埋没的一项才能就是他们驾驭网络的能力。One of the most rewarding, yet unsung talents of librarians is their ability to network.

其他人可能发现你很有能力可是你却选择将自己的成长和潜能埋没。Others may find you capable but you choose to impose limits to your own growth and potential.

新一季的评委则令人讨厌,他们甚至埋没了那些很能唱的参赛者。The new panel is so annoying, they even take away from the contestants who can actually sing.