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一周三个先令!Three shillings a week!

我找您一先令三便士。And one shilling threepence change.

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给你三个先令怎么样?What do you say to three shillings.

这本书定价五先令六便士。This book is five shillings sixpence.

它的价值不超过十先令。It is not worth more than 10 shillings.

五先令赌那位绅士赢谁下赌注?。Five shillings on the gent. Who will take it?

过去,十二便士等于一先令。In former times, 12 pence went to a shilling.

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三十八镑,八先令,四便士!Thirty-eight pounds, eight shillings, fourpence!

他回答,“大约48万肯尼亚先令。”"About 480, 000 Kenyan shillings, " he answered.

为了这次让人兴奋的航行,他花去了他所有的先令。For this exciting sail, he spent all his shillings.

一绷破就绷掉了三十五个先令。Bust 'em, and you'll bust five-and-thirty shillings.

我最后的一张支票在我的帐上已经透支了几先令。My last cheque over drew my account by a few shillings.

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叔叔,他借给我5先令,我输掉了。Uncle, he lent me my first five shillings, which I lost.

付了电车费后,她还会剩下整整五先令。She would have five shillings clear after paying tram fare.

你能不能给我四个半克朗银币换这张十先令的钞票?Can you give me four half-crowns for this ten-shilling note?

你都不可能把7先令放进那么小的一个罐子里。You could not getseven shillings into a little pot that size.

小孩以为二十先令总花不完,二十年总过不完。Child thinks 20 Shillings and 20 Years can scarce ever be spent.

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我不愿意为一瓶不值10先令的酒付出20先令。I grudged paying 20s for a bottle of wine that is not worth 10s.

金镑、先令、便士为英国钱币的单位名称。Pounds, shillings, and pence are denominations of English money.

他认为亥伯龙会赢,与我赌五先令。He thinks the hebolong can win, and gambles five Schillings with me.