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其实我多么想摆脱这种生活,去过一星期踏踏实实的日子啊。How willingly would I part with it for a week of real life.

但是我知道,人活着要安安稳稳、踏踏实实。But I do know that we should live a practical and solid life.

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请相信我们,世上最美好的事情莫过于踏踏实实地睡一个晚上的觉了。Trust us, there is nothing better than a solid night of sleep.

在中年的时候踏踏实实做人,兢兢业业做事。in middle age, when a down-man, cautious and conscientious work.

要想有钱就得自己踏踏实实地工作,。To think rich oneself have to step to work dependably and on the spot.

当你在这个月感到害怕时,把注意力转向你的身体并踏踏实实地。When you are feeling afraid this month, turn to your body and get grounded.

在工作中我一定会不怕困难,肯吃苦,踏踏实实的做好每一件事。I am confident that I can overcome any difficulties in work to complete my job.

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我认为只有踏踏实实的记录下每天的学习心得才能真正的有所收获。I do think the record is only a day of learning experiences can be a real gain.

一个礼拜可以有两天时间在家踏踏实实地爬格子。Can have two whole days every week to crawl on the checkers without disturbance.

一个礼拜可以有两天时间在家踏踏实实地爬格子。I can have two whole days every week to crawl on the checkers without disturbance.

你最好不要再作种种空想,该踏踏实实做些事了。You'd better stop building castles in the air and get down to some practical work.

其实我觉得老天还是公平的,只要踏踏实实地去努力就一定会有回报的。Actually, I think God is fair, as long as the effort to go down there will be return.

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你一周要有三到四次半小时的跑步,踏踏实实,没有不适。You should be comfortable running steadily for 30 minutes three to four times a week.

每天都踏踏实实实地学习一会儿,比一天学习很长时间,第二天却什么也不学要好。Some solid work each day is better than many study hours one day and nothing the next.

我们需认认真真学习、踏踏实实做人,好好学习,天天向上!We need the conscientious study and steadfastly personhood, good good study, day day up!

堂堂正正做人,踏踏实实工作,认认真真学习,快快乐乐生活。The open and aboveboard personhood , the steadfast work , studies earnestly , joyful life.

踏踏实实复习比学习任何窍门都有用的多,这本身就是最大的窍门。Review study diligently than any of the keys have more, that in itself is the biggest keys.

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此次招收5人合作,可以做的速度来,我尊重每一个踏踏实实做事的站长!The co-enrolled 5 people, can do speed, I respect the sense of doing things every webmaster!

从童年开始,她就以踏踏实实的学习态度给每一位老师留下印象。From childhood, she impressed every teacher with her down- to -earth attitude toward learning.

不要过分地追忆过去,不要太多地憧憬未来,踏踏实实、无怨无悔地过好现在。Not so much the recall the past and not too much about the future, dependable, without good now.