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高高地飞在天空上面。High up in the sky.

让我们玩转天空。Let's play the air.

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星星散布在天空上。Stars stud the sky.

天空多蓝啊!How blue the sky is!

耸立在刮风的天空下。Stark in a windy sky.

就连天空也不见影踪。Even the sky was gone.

这样我就可以触到天空。So I can touch the sky.

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星星,星星,高挂在天空。Star, star, in the sky.

它在天空中飞得那么高。It's so high in the sky.

花簇向天空维维。Sharp to sky of flowers.

那时天空变得灰蒙蒙的。The sky hazed over then.

在我上方的天空,我看到了月亮。Above me, I saw the moon.

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鸟在天空中盘旋。Birds wheeled in the sky.

男孩忘着天空,久久不能囬神。Do you know Sky can cry ?

像飞掠天空的大雁。Like geese about the sky.

旭日染红了天空。Sunrise dyed the sky red.

天空东方变成了粉红色。The eastern sky pinkened.

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天空逐渐转阴。The sky came over cloudy.

天空、依旧闲云游荡。The sky, still roam idle.

蓝色的天空充盈了窗户。Blue sky fills the window.