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浑水摸鱼。Fish in troubles water.

不要浑水摸鱼。Never fish in troubled waters.

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你可以浑水摸鱼。You can fish in troubled waters.

显然他们打算浑水摸鱼。Obviously, they want to fish in troubled waters.

致使不法商贩浑水摸鱼,出售不合格产品。The pusher, not qualified products to sell fish in troubled waters.

真的光头强可在腊人“浑水摸鱼”在砍伐树木。Really bald in La "fish in troubled waters" in the felling of trees.

在股票市场下跌期间,一些人浑水摸鱼,赚了大钱。During the decline of the stock market , some people fished in troubled waters and made big money.

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他们就是要挑拨离间,扩大分歧,以便浑水摸鱼。All they wanted was to make bad blood between them, aggravate differences and fish in troubled waters.

比如小偷难道不能打扮成学生的样子进入学生宿舍浑水摸鱼,进行盗窃吗?For example, could it be said that thief dress up like a student and enter into dorm to steal something?

企业应该制定非常明确的费用政策,这样弄虚作假的人就无法浑水摸鱼逍遥法外。You should have very clear expense policies, so fiddlers are not able to use confusion to get away with cheating.

不法商贩因此浑水摸鱼,不管酱油是配制还是酿造,全都标称是“酿造酱油”。Therefore, no matter pusher fish in troubled waters made from soy sauce is still, all nominal is "fermented soy sauce".

对神鸟我们一生抬头仰视,而对鲢胡子,我们则低下头来,巴不得浑水摸鱼。Superbird scs life on the rise, we look up, and beard of silver carp, we head to look forward to fish in troubled waters.

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正是有了一些成功的案例,而且这些网络公关公司都隐身幕后,所以才更容易浑水摸鱼。With some successful cases, and these networks are stealth public relations company behind the scenes and therefore more easy to fish in troubled waters.

你得能保证,如果你和别人解释了题目的解法,然后另一个人对别的题目又有独到见解,最后你知道每个人都没有浑水摸鱼You've got to make sure that if you explain to others how to do this problem, then somebody else contributes to something else, but you know what everybody contributed in the end.

夏如风想借柳永和林媚之事,引侯府和宰相府不和,搅动朝局,他好浑水摸鱼。The summer, such as breeze, wants to lend always and Lin Mei's matter, lead Hou mansion and prime minister mansion at enmity with, shake up dynasty bureau, he good Hun water touches fish.

温家宝代表中央政府发出这个信息,以中国现在财政力量之雄厚,对心怀不轨、意图趁金融海啸在香港浑水摸鱼之辈,会是一股强大阻吓力量。Such is China's financial strength now that what he has said will effectively deter speculators intent on taking advantage of the financial tsunami to fish in the troubled waters in Hong Kong.