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博伊斯的日出。Boise Sunrise.

多迷人的日出!And what sunrises!

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它们在日出时开放。They open at sun-up.

俄而日出。Presently the sun emerged.

追随着太阳从日出到日西。Follow the sun from rise to set.

日出日落很浪漫。Sunrises and sunsets are romantic.

那天他在日出以前就起来了。That day he was up before sunrise.

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这张照片是中国桂林阳朔漓江岸边的日出。Sunrise in Yangshuo, Guilin, China.

日出会更加的漂亮。Sunrises are even more beautifuller!

我们早起观看了日出。We got up early to behold the sunrise.

她是我的日出,我的黎明,我崭新的一天。She is my sunrise, my dawn, my new day.

日落可与日出媲美。The sunset rivals the sunrise in beauty.

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本学年校刊将于五月二十日出刊。The yearbook will be published on May 20.

待到日出云开的时候相见我那心已许。Best wishes for us during the seeing time.

她的眼睛凝视着美丽的日出景象。Her eyes dwelled on the beautiful sunrise.

每年夏至日出时行祭礼。Ceremonies were held on the summer solstice.

云散日出。The clouds melted away,and the sun came out.

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日出前不会很久,他们会很快中的我们。It won't be long till sunup, " he said aloud."

在日出日落的时候重新认识自己。Reacquaint yourself with sunrises and sunsets.

在日出前消褪,像一则童话般唯美。Disappeared at sunrise, seemed only a fairytale.