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事实上,为什么我们去评定他?In fact, why do we rate him?

经语音耳测评定,优良率达90.8%。The fine rate was 90.8 percent.

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所以,snopes将这个流言最终评定为“假”。Snopes lists the rumor as "false."

评分表评定伤情的验证。Verification of wound in scoring scale.

主考人评定全部考生合格。The examiners passed all the candidates.

主考者评定半数应试者不及格。The examiners failed half the candidates.

重复性评定方法,主要是贝塞尔公式。The main method of evaluation is Bessel formula.

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评定结果将于三周后公布。The verdict should be announced within three weeks.

公厕评定将从一星级一直到五星级。Public toilets will be rated from one to five stars.

我国将很快开启职称评定的改革。China will soon begin reform of professional ranking.

因此,他们试着去评定自己哪里出了问题。Hence, they try to assess themselves what went wrong.

法国人在多佛干的这事难道不建筑评定脱欧的仇记载犯罪?。Isn't the French action at Dover a Brexit hate crime?

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法院命令如果达不成协议诉讼费用由法院评定。The court ordered the costs to be taxed if not agreed.

采用贾连顺的疗效评定法评定临床结果。The outcomes were assessed by Jia's clinical criteria.

评判员评定玛丽为歌咏比赛的第一名。The judges ranked Mary the best in the singing contest.

以前最主要的评定办法总计购买发行量已经过时了。Total paid circulation is gone as the top-line measure.

目的评定应征入伍青年的心理健康状况。Objective To evaluate the mental health state of enrollee.

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SARA立即给予实时、在线的风险等级评定。SARA immediately assigns a real time, on-line risk rating.

GPS定位,短基线,子样容量,精度评定。GPS, Short baseline, Sample quantity, Precision estimation.

开场实验评定大鼠的行为。Open-field test was applied to evaluate behavior of the rats.