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他的独木舟在险滩下面的河水中。His canoe was there, on the river below the rapids.

我们奋斗却看不清前方的急流险滩。We fought hard for our future but missed the rapids ahead.

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如何绕过这场金融危机的险滩?How to bypass the dangerous shoals of this financial crisis?

你想不想在以群山为背景,乘木筏穿越激流险滩的惊栗场面?Want to ride through thrilling rapids with mountains in the background?

要在个人关系中驾驭这些险滩乱流,需要你保持警觉并能随机应变。Riding these tricky rapids in relationships requires you to be alert and adaptable.

二战时,盟军进攻欧洲。他们在法国的险滩诺曼底登陆。Alliedtroops in World War II invade Europe. Theyland on the treacherous beaches of Normandy, France.

可是,那些隔了险滩和溪流的日子,却将我们带进了时光的最深处。However, those across the rapids and streams of the day, it will bring us into the depths of the time.

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又是什么样的心理势能在持续支撑他们跋涉于激流险滩?Be what kind of psychology potential energy is propping up them to wade continuously at lotic dangerous shoal?

许多淘金者在航行中没能幸存下来,所有的船只都必须通过一个叫怀特霍斯险滩,这里的水流非常湍急和危险,许多船在此翻了,许多淘金者因此丧命。All of the boats had to pass through an area called the White Horse Rapids. The water there was fast and dangerous.

人的一生好比船在大海上航行,随时会遭遇狂风恶浪、险滩暗礁的袭击。Human life is like sailing on ships at sea at any time will be facing the wind wave, dangerous shoals reefs attacks.

像陆地上的河流那样,这种潜艇式的水道也能开拓出一些渠道,支流,冲积平原,险滩,甚至瀑布。Like those on land, the submarine waterways carve out channels, tributaries, flood plains, rapids and even waterfalls.

对于险滩暗礁,我并非没有准备,只有不断改变我才能融入浅滩——不断改变,并享受这未知带来的快乐。I was not unprepared for jagged rocks and treacherous, shoals it I could only have change-change and the exicitement of unforeseen.

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别管航道曲折蜿蜒,让生命之舟穿过激流险滩,驶向理想的彼岸。Sail the boat of life through rapids and dangerous shoals towards the Faramita of your wishes, no matter how winding the sea-route is.

卸甲河在景区呈“S”型迂回而过,落差50余米,造就了拦道石独特的斑斓秀谷,奇石险滩。The Xiejia River is 50 meters of drop, resembles the "S"type in the beauty spot passing. The dale is graceful here , the runway is circuitous.

馆内关于在险峻的峭壁上凿出来的狭道中,纤夫拉动纤绳将舟船拉过湍流险滩的展览真是让人惊叹!The exhibit of the pre-power river boats that had to be hauled upstream by workers pulling ropes from narrow trails carved into the cliffs was amazing.

虽然纤绳可能断掉,大船可能倒退,但险滩终将度过,在一天筋疲力尽的尾声中他们也能痛快地饱餐一顿。Though the rope may part and the great junk swing back, in the end the rapid will be passed, and at the close of the weary day there is the hearty meal.

当外国轮船越过了重重险滩,进入了长江上游,与四川当地的中国舢舨船之间,会发生何种关系?When the foreign steamers surpassed the multiple rapids and entered the upper Yangtze River, what would happen between the steamers and the local junks?

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当外国輪船越过了重重险滩,进入了长江上游,与四川当地的中国舢舨船之间,会发生何种关系?When the foreign steamers surpassed the multiple rapids and entered the upper Yangtze River, what would happen between the steamers and the local junks ?

酷热的非洲,几乎没有适于航海的河流,这些河流从内陆高原到海岸平原一路穿瀑布、过险滩,倾流而下。Few of tropical Africa's rivers are navigable from the ocean, dropping as they do from interior tableland to coastal plains by a series of falls and rapids.

乐观、执著、拼搏是我的航标,在险滩处扯起希望的风帆,在激流中凸现勇敢的性格,是我人生的信条。Optimism, persistence, hard work is my beacon of hope in the rapids at sail hitches a ride in the whitewater highlighted in bold character, is my life credo.