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我爱你,穿越千年,无论晨昏。Sorry, I just can't stop loving you.

为黑夜,白昼和晨昏穿戴。Of night and light and the half-light.

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让你我共享每一天每一个晨昏时分…Share each day with me , each night each moring.

我已经晨昏不分,酒吧里的人都大笑起来,酒打翻了。The men at the bar laughed. The wine was poured.

就让我牵你的手。度过晨昏,度过年轮。Just let me hold your hands, just let me hold them.

念你不分晨昏,犹如鸟儿鸣唱。Miss you, in mornings, in nights, as naturally as birds sing.

这我可不敢说。我看妳是昼夜晨昏大颠倒!Well, I don't know about that. You are turning night into day!

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至少应在晨昏时进行一项实际操作练习。At least one dress rehearsal should be performed in dark twilight.

一年四季,晨昏景色各有不同。The scenery changes from morning to evening, from season to season.

我偏爱晨昏天上薄似冰片的月亮,胜过她在夜空独自放光。I prefer the moon icy in the twilight to the moon alone in the night.

我们把月亮上的黑白边界线叫做‘晨昏线’。The name for this border between lunar night and day is the terminator line.

这个测量在白天、晨昏和夜间进行。Such measurements have been made in daytime, in twilight, and during the night.

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她想着你的晨昏书夜,她想着你的暮暮与朝朝。She is thinking about your Twilight book night, she think of your evening evening and morning.

只想就这么一个人静静坐着,看晨昏变换,看四季流风。You will want to sit like this quietly, enjoying the change of time, feeling the breeze of seasons.

布隆伯格市长认为这次袭击“使晨昏颠倒,进入最黑暗的日子”。Mayor Bloomberg described the day of the attacks as a time when “the morning turned into the blackest of nights.”

沿着晨昏线有几座珠峰般高的山脉被落日照亮。Several Everest-sized mountains are highlighted by the setting Sun along the terminator, the line between day and night.

时至今日,也有许多爱汤族喜欢晨昏来北投泡泡澡,再漫步一遭,格外神清气爽。Today, there are many people like Chen Hun-love to Peitou bubble baths, then a walk through was particularly exhilarating activities.

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如果你用单筒或是双筒望远镜,来观测月球表面特征,有一种窍门是沿着晨昏线进行观测。If you're using a telescope or binoculars, and want to observe features on the moon's surface, one trick is to look along the terminator line.

另一方面,电离层对流形态和晨昏对流圈的经向跨度及其两端的位置是基本不变的。At the same time, the longitudinal range and the positions of the two boundaries of the ionospheric convection pattern remain basically unchanged.

我建议不要带了她去什么名园胜景,还是利用晨昏时节,到深巷中散散步。Let me suggest that, instead of accompanying her on a visit to famous park or scenic spot, you take her with you for a stroll in the lane at dawn or dusk.