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你是我的偶像,我久仰你的大名,我非常佩服你。You're my idol.

我真佩服他们!It is admirable!

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我真佩服他们。I really admire them.

我很佩服她的野心。I admire her ambition.

我真是佩服爱丽丝。I really admire Alice.

我真是佩服艾丽斯。I really admire Alice.

我佩服你的豪侠。I admire your frankness.

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哇,我真佩服你的精力。Wow! I admire your energy.

很多人都佩服大本,最佩服他的是伊恩米拉尔。Big Ben is admired by many.

我真佩服他的勇气。I really admire his courage.

我佩服她的勇敢。I admire her for her bravery.

我佩服他的勇气。I admire him for his courage.

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我真佩服你的勇气。My compliments on your courage.

我尊重也佩服你的失败。I respect and admire your failure.

哇!我真佩服你的决心。Wow , I admire your determination.

我们佩服她的外交手腕。We admire her for her diplomatic tact.

我真是佩服那些能工巧匠啊!I really admire those skilled artisans!

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你说你爱她?我真佩服你的厚脸皮。You say you love her? I like your cheek.

我佩服某些政治家的辩才。I admire the oratory of some politicians.

你的想法很独特,老师都佩服你!Your idea is unique, teachers admire you!