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试想飞禽走兽如何降生。Imagining how the beasts began.

一切飞禽走兽都是生物。All birds and animals are living beings.

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人们的智慧能控制飞禽走兽,却无法控制自己。Our wisdom can only control the animals but not humans.

我们进化于一个飞禽走兽,鸟语花香、山石林立、万物繁盛的自然世界,因而自然界是我们得到愉悦感与满足感的源泉。We get pleasure and fulfillment from the natural world.364

其招式就模仿了五种飞禽走兽的动作。Its movements imitated the motion of five kinds of birds and beasts.

罔达修士叫了几个同学,把他们创造的“飞禽走兽”展示给全班同学看。Brother asked several of the students to show their "creations" to the class.

就你这飞禽走兽的长相,国家没给你颁个奖实在是太可惜了。You the looks of the animals and birds countries are not awarded a prize for you is so bad.

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蜀绣作品的选材丰富,有花草树木、飞禽走兽、山水鱼虫、人物肖像等。The works incorporated flowers, leaves, animals, mountains, rivers and human figures as their themes.

你可以放松一点去感受飞禽走兽,你的邻居,身边的咖啡壶和铅笔刀。Attention means paying tender regard to the beasts and birds, neighbors, coffee cups and pencil sharpeners.

对于动物爱好者而言,来这里看原生态环境下的飞禽走兽可是不二之选。For animal lovers there's no place better to see native Australian animals and birds in their natural habitat.

我也知道有很多飞禽走兽拜倒在你的天鹅绒裙下。I also see that there are so many birds and beats entirely at your feet, right under your beautiful velvet skirt.

泉州的彩木雕,主要以飞禽走兽为题材,追求形象逼真、栩栩如生的艺术效果。Quanzhou colorful wood, mainly birds and animals as the theme, the pursuit of vivid, true to life likeness artistic effect.

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光洞和暗洞中有无数状如人及各种飞禽走兽的钟乳石,鬼斧神工,令人叹为观止。Light and dark hole hole have innumerable the shape is like people and other animals and birds, engrave the stalactites, breathtaking.

与山石相伴的则是漫山遍野的茂林繁花飞禽走兽、墨绿柏树,深靛的松林,滴翠的银杏,绿意满山。Concomitant with rocks is the Lam multiflorus all where animals, dark green cypress, dark indigo of pine, the of Ginkgo biloba, green mountains.

飞禽走兽、花草树木、风雨山石、河流湖泊,都像我一样的起源,我孕育在爱中,肩负使命而生。No beast, no plant, no wind, no rain, no rock, no lake had the same beginning as I, for I was conceived in love and brought forth with a purpose.

将不能朽坏之神的荣耀变为偶像,彷佛必朽坏的人,和飞禽走兽昆虫的样式。And changed the glory of the uncorruptible God into an image made like to corruptible man, and to birds, and fourfooted beasts, and creeping things.

他讲论草木,自利巴嫩的香柏树直到墙上长的牛膝草,又讲论飞禽走兽,昆虫水族。He described plant life, from the cedar of Lebanon to the hyssop that grows out of walls. He also taught about animals and birds, reptiles and fish.

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所以飞禽走兽都热衷于生活在高山峻岭之上,鱼鳖等则藏身于深渊之中。Therefore, birds and animals prefer living in high mountains and fishes and turtles prefer living in the deep water, so does the man of perfect practice.

罔达修士叫了几个同学,把他们创造的“飞禽走兽”展示给全班同学看。Brother asked several of the students to show their "creations" to the class. Many people laughed and giggled as they pointed at each one of the pictures.

根据记载,顾恺之的作品有七十多件,他画过历史故事、神佛、人物、飞禽走兽、山水等题材。According to historical records, Gu created more than 70 paintings based on historical stories, Buddha, human figures, birds, animals, mountains and rivers.