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牧师与师母将前往参加。Pastor Pai and wife will be attending.

高师母仍在加州休养复原。Mrs. Ko is still recovering in California.

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他们出来的时候碰上师母。On the way out they bump into the pastor's wife.

为黄牧师及师母祷告。Please pray for the trip of Pastor Sam & Jeannie.

当晚的领唱是陈爱萤师母。Sister Tan Ay Eeng was the song leader of that night.

游牧师与师母陈慈爱女士共有两位儿子以及四名孙儿。Rev. Yew and wife Maryann have two sons and four grandchildren.

在聚会中,周淑敏传道分享信息,由李方月娥师母翻译。Lt. Hammy CHOU preached in the service and Mrs Rev. LI as translator.

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到处师母环绕鲜花芬芳,生活条件就得到极大的改善。With trees and flowers everywhere, living conditions can be improved.

我告别了师母就去了学校,继续的上课。I took leave a teacher's wife to go to a school, continue of have a class.

本曲献给徐立牧师师母,以及一切为神摆上期待永恒不朽冠冕的神仆们。This Song is dedicated to Pastor & Mrs. Hsu, and all those who work for the Lord.

在每个清晨,师母都会护送所罗门回学堂念书,而我则担起看守小约翰的任务。Every morning, Kath needs to take Solomon to school, and I have to look after John.

师母帮他混进别人求法的教学里,还是被赶了出去。Damema assisted him to join a teaching session but still he got kicked out by Marpa.

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每个清晨由郭成光牧师与师母带领内在生命重建的专题课程。Every morning there is a special course on Inner Healing led by Rev Kok and his wife.

为梁维坤牧师、师母在委内瑞拉宣教事奉代祷。Pray for our Canadian missionaries, Rev. Stanley & Rosa Leung who serve in Venezuela.

为刘得贵牧师、师母在有限接触国家宣教事奉代祷。Pray for our Canadian missionaries, Rev. Jacky & Anne Lau who serve in limited access nation.

然后,先生又指了指坐在一边的妻子说,“她是你的师母”。Then, the teacher pointed to his wife who is sitting beside him, "she's your teacher's wife".

拿着那张纸,我去找我的师母,她说要化疗,我问,那肿瘤敏感吗?Take that paper, I find my teacher's wife, she say that want a chemotherapy, I ask, that tumor sensitive?

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我的师母很早就在医院等我了,我也很早就到了医院。My teacher's wife has already waited me at the hospital very much, I also have already is a hospital very much.

上次去送药,左伊除了开了一副给师母滋补身体的,还开了一副给先生的。Sent a medicine last time, left Yi in appending to open a to teacher's wife nourishing body of, also opened a to Sir of.

白牧师与师母将于25日起程前往新泽西州休假,将于一月二日回来若有牧养需要者,请洽吴佩勋长老。Rev. and Mrs. Pai will be on vacation from 25th of Dec. to 2nd of Jan. If you need any pastoral care please contact with Elder Wu.