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我想要一辆大型的私家轿车。I want a big sedan.

它们都是大型商业银行Those are the big ones.

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以下是些更大型的场景。Below is some biger scene.

大型车靠右。Large Vehicles keep Right.

熊是一种大型野兽。The bear was a great brute.

这里会有大型的阅兵式。There will be a big parade.

极大型数据库?。VLDB? Very Large Data Base?

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岛的一端是一个大型鸟园。At one end is a large aviary.

大型车靠右。Oversize Vehicles keep Right.

大型半挂车和牵引车。Large semitrailer and tractor.

另一件大型黄油雕刻品。Another large butter sculpture.

我为大型的活动工作,I work for a major events team,

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它也能适用于大型活动会场。It can also be hired for events.

一个大型参圣奈特提箱,深蓝色的。It's a large Samsonite suitcase.

斯诺克在中国是个大型的运动。Snooker is a big sport in China.

我通常去大型的连锁商店。I go to one of the larger chains.

伊尔-86是苏联的首架大型中短程喷气客机。Il-86 is the first soviet airbus.

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大型的由十二宫统治。Large ones are ruled by the 12th.

它们是标本来的,大型的,That are stuffed, you know, huge,

应用大型通用有限元分析软件MSC。With finite element software MSC.