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更多供应正源源而来。More supply is on the way.

从供应曲线上面跳下去吧!Go jump off a supply curve!

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很多低洼地区已经失去电力供应。Many areas have lost power.

她供应他事业上的基金。She bankrolls his business.

尼日利亚的电力供应现状很是滑稽。The situation is grotesque.

今日牛肉饼停止供应。The steak pie is off today.

我们的白糖是定量供应的。We are rationed with sugar.

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另有蒸纱供应。Another yarn steamed supply.

目前我们有现货供应。We now can offer from stock.

我们只供应小瓶的。We serve only small bottles.

我们必须快速供应许多客饭。We must cook fast many meals.

请问供应情况如何?How about the supply position?

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他们供应食品给军队。They purvey food for the army.

我处供应冷热午餐。We serve hot and cold lunches.

把牛养肥以供应市场。Feed cattle off for the market.

技术从汽车12VDC供应。Powered from cars 12VDC supply.

任什么时候间都有热水供应吗?。Is hot water available any time?

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以供应给肯尼亚蒙巴萨港。To supply to Mombasa port, Kenya.

战争期间,鸡蛋限量供应。Eggs were rationed during the war.

而雇员再培训计划供应的萎缩。And the supply of ERs is shrinking.