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我没有长骨刺。I had no bone spurs.

我从来没有长过骨刺。I never had a bone spur.

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对了,我这会不会是“骨刺”呢?Am I suffering from osteophytes?

什么是骨刺?应该怎么治疗?What is spur ? How should treat?

不知道骨刺是什么玩意儿,他想。I wonder what a bone spur is, he thought.

但骨刺会不会很困扰他呢?But would the bone spur hurt him too much?

骨折要是不养好了,容易长骨刺吗?If fracture was not cured, easy long spur?

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瘦小的身子,且长满疙疙瘩瘩的骨刺。A body thin and small, and bony and thorny all over.

“我说不上来,”他说出声来。“我从来没有长过骨刺。”"I do not know, " he said aloud. "I never had a bone spur. "

它的身体覆盖着盔甲似的皮革和小骨刺。Its body is covered with armored hide and small boney spikes.

也许不用动手术就能去除他喉咙卡着的那块骨刺。The thorn of bone may dislodge from his throat without surgery.

请问哪位朋友有治疗膝关节骨刺的方法?Which friend has the method that treats knee joint spur excuse me?

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所用肉类都先剔除骨头,鱼去头尾和骨刺,虾蟹去壳。Used to eliminate all meat, fish head bone spur, shrimp and crab shell.

但是,你有没有想过,我这一双手就如你身上的骨刺一样,是多大的障碍吗?But do you think my hands were as great a handicap as the bone spurs?I cannot know.

那么为什么他们的膝盖经常会长骨刺这种表示发生损害的物质呢?Why, then, were their knees so often sprouting bone spurs, supposedly a marker of damage?

她说,这些骨刺“可能只是一种骨骼应对拉伸关节的力量的方法。”The spurs, she said, ‘‘may simply be a way that the bones adapt to forces pulling on the joint.’’

退化性关节炎和骨刺,给二十五岁的约瑟夫带来了很大的疼痛。Twenty-five years old, he has debilitating pain from a form of degenerative arthritis and bone spurs.

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多骨刺鱼的化石显示白垩纪时它们在欧洲和非洲的水域中游弋。Fossils of Caproberyx indicate they swam the waters of Europe and Africa during the Cretaceous period.

目前,最常见的一种过劳性损伤是跟骨骨刺综合症或足底筋膜炎。Now, one of the most common types of overuse injuries we see Heel Spur Syndrome, or Plantar Fasciitis.

湖人前锋卢克。沃顿,画面上右边的球员,将在本周五进行一次右脚踝骨刺去除手术。Lakers forward Luke Walton, right, will have surgery Friday to have bone spurs removed from his right ankle.