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他说,“你一定要咬紧牙关坚持住。You have to bite the bullet.

她咬紧牙关不肯挪动一步。She clenched her teeth and refused to move.

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你得咬紧牙关,低吼一声,变得“更丑更糟”!Grit your teeth, grunt, groan, and get MEAN.

今年夏天很热,我们只好咬紧牙关熬过去。It's very hot this summer, we have to bite down.

这可以说是个需要咬紧牙关的痛苦过程。This can be a teeth-grittingly painful procedure.

我呻吟着咬紧牙关进行又一次前进的尝试。I groaned, set my teeth and reached forward again.

你得咬紧牙关,你得有严格的纪律。It takes gritting your teeth. It takes discipline.

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在这样的环境下咬紧牙关坚持是不容易的。It's not easy to bear up under such circumstances.

当我问他还有谁参与此事时,他咬紧牙关,不肯交代。He clammed up when I asked him who else was involved.

这是一项具有挑战性的目标,但我们现在必须咬紧牙关,勇敢地为此奋斗。It is a challenging goal, but we have to bite the bullet now.

想到这将是件非常可鄙的事,我就不禁咬紧牙关。I gritted my teeth as I thought what a despicable thing it would be.

相反,工人们正在咬紧牙关度过这个艰难的时期,幸亏他们还有工作。Instead, workers are toughing it out, thankful they have jobs at all.

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风雪打在她脸上,但安咬紧牙关继续向前走。The snow was blowing in her face, but Ann gritted her teeth and went on.

大雪扑面,但是他咬紧牙关,继续前进。The snow was blowing in his face, but the gritted his teeth and went on.

汉克斯咬紧牙关,一丝不苟地模仿艾滋病造成的虚弱。Hanks so scrupulously, heroically mimes the wasting wought by the disease.

一个人如果咬紧牙关并显示真正的决心,就绝不会失败。If a person grits his teeth and shows real determination failure is not an option.

咬紧牙关,马库斯让圣光闪现,恢复了他的力量。Gritting his teeth, Marcus gestured as light flashed over him, restoring his strength.

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尽管受尽各种刑罚,江姐咬紧牙关不开口。In spite of all kinds of torture, Sister Jiang gritted her teeth without saying a word.

干上导演这一行,就意味着咬紧牙关和义无反顾。Does directs this line, means that clenches the teeth and is duty-bound not to turn back.

她讲完话,站在他面前,咬紧牙关,双颊通红。She stood before him, at the end of her speech, with her teeth clenched, her cheeks flaming.