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他的生命逐渐垂危。His life is gradually ebbing.

她现在生命垂危。Her life now hangs by a thread.

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我的朋友生命垂危。My friend is in danger of losing his life.

她在父亲生命垂危的数年里一直照料他。She cared for her father in his dying years.

医生到达时她已生命垂危。She was so far gone when the doctor arrived.

他们日夜照顾那个生命垂危的人。They attended day and night on the dying man.

他喝下了一些致命的毒药并且很快就生命垂危。He drank some deadly poison and soon was in danger.

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那个男孩病得很重,生命垂危。The boy is seriously ill and his life is in danger.

生命垂危的重病有可能不能转危为安了。There may be no turning back for life-limiting illnesses.

我正在值夜班,照顾一位生命垂危的病人。I was caring for a man on the night shift prior to his death.

孔梅在奔跑中被毒蛇咬中,陷入昏迷,生命垂危。Kong Mei in running the snake bite, coma, in critical condition.

眼看着妻子久病不愈,生命垂危,也没钱给她治病抓药。He could afford no medicine for his wife whom he feared was dying.

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他们甚至相互约见,只不过那时奥威尔已经垂危于病床之上。They even met, though only when Orwell was already on his deathbed.

那位摩托车手昨晚在医院生命垂危。The motorcyclist was in a critical condition in hospital last night.

想象我因为癌症垂危病床,慢慢变得愈发虚弱。There I am on my deathbed dying of cancer, growing weaker and weaker.

我们急需AB型捐血人,因为有一名病人的性命垂危。We need AB blood donors urgently because a patient's life is at stake.

那个沙漠值得神经垂危的公务员们去观察。The desert deserves the nervous servhelpless ould likes to obaloneyerve.

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做了有危险的手术后的一段时间里,凯伦的生命处于垂危之中。For some time after he dangerous operation, Keren's life hang by a thread.

在手术后的一段时间,凯伦的生命都处于垂危之中。For some time after his dangerous operation, Keren's life hang by a thread.

省政府补充说,其中32人生命垂危。Provincial authorities add 32 of the 49 injured are in critical conditions.