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我知道你总是虎视眈眈以强凌弱。I know you always pery on weak people.

我知道你老是虎视眈眈以浅懔阴。I know you always prey on weak people.

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业绩不错,但是本土的竞争对手已经虎视眈眈。Not bad, but local rivals are chomping at its tail.

底特律的汽车制造商也已经对此虎视眈眈。Detroit auto makers were already knocking at the door.

不要与虎视眈眈的人进食,也不要羡慕他的山珍海味。Eat not with an envious man, and desire not his meats.

吴国一直雄视着赵国,虎视眈眈。The State of Wu always covetously eyed the State of Zhao.

但“虎视眈眈”的微软显然不甘心。But " eye covetously " Microsoft is apparent not reconciled to.

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不要与虎视眈眈的人进食,也不要羡慕他的山珍海味。Do not eat with the wicked man or be greedy for his choice food.

船上的炮眼开着,炮口虎视眈眈地向外窥视着。All gun-ports were open and the muzzles peeped wickedly from them.

船上的炮眼都开着,炮口虎视眈眈地向外窥视着。All gun-ports were open and the muzzles peeped wickedly from them.

建立在中国的存在是下一个突破,科士威是虎视眈眈。Setting up presence in China is the next breakthrough that Cosway is eyeing.

竞争对手虎视眈眈,无线内部也暗涌不断。Competitors look at fiercely as a tiger does, wireless also swells constantly.

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资本主义一往无前,书店不过是路旁无数匣子中的一个,有上百双眼睛虎视眈眈,欲伺机而动。Just another box on the roadside.Hundreds more like it.Move it along, capitalism.

有如此多的山寨货在四周虎视眈眈,高朋为自己的股份支付溢价着实非明智之举。But with so many pretenders around, it may be unwise to pay a premium for its shares.

这只螳螂太专注在它的猎物上,它疏忽了有一只鸟在其身后,正虎视眈眈地注视着它。The mantis focused too much on its prey and neglected a bird behind staring covetously at it.

在图书,在影视剧中,机器人都扮演着对地球与人类虎视眈眈的角色。In movies, on television, and in books, robots are stalking the land, scanning for human victims.

国阵成员党必然虎视眈眈其部长职位,他们希望删除陈树杰。The BN component parties are eying on the DCM and minister post, and they wish to remove Raymond.

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这让一些“茶党”候选人颇为紧张,因为他们也对共和党这一提名虎视眈眈呢。That has made some “Tea Party” candidates nervous, since they want the Republican nomination, too.

这直接导致各位主观们虎视眈眈的将目光投向了少数网站—他们依然不惧向读者们收费。As a result, executives are looking hungrily at the few online outfits that dare ask readers for money.

被捕鲸者虎视眈眈盯住的濒危驼背鲸是一些地方观光节目的生机勃勃的表演者。The threatened humpbacks targeted by the whalers are part of thriving whale watching industries elsewhere.