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茴香家酿伏特加。Anise home-distilled vodka.

还有茴香猪肉丸。and pork meatballs with fennel seeds.

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粉碎少数孜然或茴香种子和添加。Crush a few cumin or fennel seeds and add.

喝那加了茴香的水,冰镇果汁。Drink water scented with fennel , sherbet.

舀一大勺茴香菜薄荷酱汁,浇在汉堡一边。Spoon fennel and mint dip aside of the burger.

一个好莱坞的茴香,他哭着并请求怜悯?Hollywood finocchio who weeps and begs for pity?

一丝淡淡的茴香,弥漫在空气中,还有黄花的芬芳。A faint anise smell is on the air, goldenrod scent.

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适合与海鲜、茴香香草鳕鱼柳搭配。Seafood, Burbot filets with fennel and fresh herbs.

将南瓜拌油然后加入茴香等香料。Set aside. Toss squash with oil, then cumin mixture.

在海鱼上撒切断的茴香菜绿菜丝。做为香料。Sprinkle some chopped fennel leaves on flake fillet.

他在柜台上喝了一杯茴香酒,同时打量着周围的人。He drank an Anis at the bar and looked at the people.

散发着烟草、茴香酒的醇香与一丝焦油的淡雅气息。Offering tobacco and anisette notes and a touch of tar.

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因为你们将薄荷,茴香,芹菜,献上十分之一。You give a tenth of your spices--mint, dill and cummin.

添加准备好的番茄和茴香籽再煮一分钟。Add the tomatoes and fennel seeds and cook for a minute.

准备1/4茶匙香菜籽,1/4茶匙的小茴香和1/4茶匙的茴香籽,混合1.5升的热水,饮用一整天。Mix with 1.5 litres of hot water. Sip throughout the day.

烟熏三文鱼,茴香,芦笋色拉配芥末调味汁。Smoked salmon, fennel & asparagus salad, mustard dressing.

这款产自新奥尔良的苦精有浓郁的茴香味道,它叫什么名字?This famous New Orleans bitters has a pronounced anise flavor.

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茴香的新芽和洋葱的植株现在也显得多了起来。Also showing in numbers now are the fennel shoots and onion sets.

我要了茴香烈酒作为开胃酒,我把酒装进一个装满水的平底酒杯里来喝。I drank ouzo as an aperitif, dribbling it into a tumbler of water.

将莓果的甜香与茴香香味混合而形成了其独特的口味。The nose shows an aroma of mixed berry, sweet spice and star anise.