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创建一个紧急小金库。Build an emergency fund.

这是我的小金库。It is my private coffer.

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小金库好比一个巨大的诅咒。A light purse is a heavy curse.

“小金库”是当前滋生腐败现象的温床。The "departmental coffer" is a hotbed of corruption.

甚至有人怀疑,现代福利,是民政部门的小金库。Some even suspect that the modern welfare is the civil affairs department coffers.

有人甚至怀疑现代福利院,是民政部门的小金库。Some even suspect that the modern welfare, is the civil affairs department coffers.

在这样的经济、政治环境下,产生了“小金库”现象。In this economic and political environment, the private coffer is coming into being.

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你可以借鉴这个习惯,建立一个自己的小金库。It's a habit you might want to consider in order to build up your own little storehouse of cash.

一些地方交警部门的罚款,有多少上交国库,又有多少流入部门的小金库?For the fine, how many was submitted to the treasury, and how much into the department's coffers?

货币或许会是欧洲的,不过钱包是各个国家的,国会也不会轻易分享它们的小金库。The currency may be European, but wallets are national and parliaments will not easily share their purses.

小金库”严重扰乱了财务活动秩序,危害极大。The"small coffer", which has disturbed seriously the order of the financial activities, is very dangerous.

现在证券公司和投行都又在往奥巴马和希拉里的小金库里倒钱。Now, the securities and investment industry is pouring money into both Mr. Obama’s and Mrs. Clinton’s coffers.

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三星集团目前正在接受特别起诉人调查。起诉人称其建立”小金库“专门用于行贿。The Samsung group is being investigated by a special prosecutor over claims it operated a massive slush fund for bribery.

中国新近开始治理“小金库”,有关部门警告,拒不上交小金库的党政机关官员将会受到严厉处分。Communist Party and government officials have been warned that they will be severely punished if they do not give up the cash.

“小金库”侵占国家和集体的资产,破坏经济和分配秩序,造成社会分配不公。It embezzled asserts of country and collective, disturbed the economy and distribution system, and led to unfair distribution.

严厉查处设立小金库和各种违反规定乱花钱的行为。Cases involving off-books accounts and arbitrary spending in violation of regulations will be investigated and dealt with severely.

其实,让冯贵仁感到高兴的不仅是衣食无忧,他还有了自己的“小金库”。Actually, not only lets Feng Guiren feel happy is the food and clothing without cause for grief, he also had his "the little strongbox ".

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现在令人担心的是,一个破裂的房地产泡沫有可能破坏中国的贷款人,毁坏当地的小金库并给经济带来影响。The worry now is that a bursting property bubble might do damage to China's lenders, ruin local exchequers and cast a pall over its economy.

上周中央政府宣布必须对有小金库的政府组织和公共机构采取强硬措施。THE Central Government announced last week that it was getting tough with government organizations and public institutions with small treasuries.

纽康姆表示,“精确账目”条款的目的旨在防止“行贿小金库”,因为“行贿的钱都是从账目中非法抽取出来的现金”。The books-and-records section was aimed at forbidding "slush funds, " Newcomb says, because, "bribes are usually paid with cash siphoned off the books illegally."