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他们就满心大怒。They were furious.

我满心欢喜。I am bursting with joy.

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玫瑰石,满心的羡慕。Rhodonite, full of envy.

他满心欢喜地回家了。He went back home, full of joy.

陶工满心欢喜。The potter was filled with joy.

没有一丝倦意,只有满心欢喜。Not a trace of weariness, only happy.

起初我们真是满心的不愿意,嘿!At first we were reluctant to dress-up.

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老妈也满心欢喜的忙里忙外。Mama was also very happy, busy in and out.

十一岁时,我满心欢喜地阅读这本小说。At 11, I read the novel with great delight.

神使用满心相信的人为祂作工。God uses faith-filled people to do his work.

今日里入洞房欢喜满心。Today I get married and I'm filled with joy.

感恩季节向上帝献上满心的感恩!Thanks be to God in the Thanksgivings' Season!

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实验成功了,她满心欢喜。The experiment a success, she felt very happy.

看台上的粉丝们都在偷笑,而他却仍是满心欢喜。Fans are snickering, but he's consumed with joy.

因此,让我们毫无畏惧,满心愉悦地把握命运。So let us seize it, not in fear,but in gladness.

崇拜上帝,使孩子满心欢喜。Worship your God . Gladden the heart of a child.

其实,这是满心情愿的事情,只是心有余而力不足。In fact, it is full of the mood to do, just fall.

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主阿,为著你的恢复,我们满心感谢。Lord! We are full of thanksgivings for Your recovery.

带着满心的喜悦,她安全地飞回了家,也将那颗珍宝似的牙齿安全地带回了。She was safe. The precious tooth she carried was safe.

实验胜利了,她满心欢喜。The experiment a success, IT felt Very abundance glad.