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这个榫头对不上。This tenon won't fit.

使用更多的榫头来加强盒子的稳定性。More pins add stability to the box.

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碰到保险丝烧断了,家具榫头松了。When lights fuse, furniture gets rickety.

榫头及接合处过量多余的胶人擦拭干净。All excess glue around dowels, joints, etc. will be wiped clean.

大多数榫头除了在长边方向有榫肩,在两个短边方向也有榫肩。Most tenons also have shoulder cuts on the top and bottom edges.

木匠用螺丝钉把桌子上松动的木榫头固定。The carpenter up the joints of the table which had become louse.

方榫头是这个连接中凸出的那部分,它是在一块板的端头上切出来的。The tenon is the male portion of the joint that is cut on the end of one board.

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这栋建筑物是按传统风格建造的,采用橡木钉固定卯和榫头。The structure was made in the traditional manner using mortice and tenon joints secured with oak pegs.

每一根木料都挖了榫眼,在顶上劈出了榫头,这时我又借到一些工具。Each stick was carefully mortised or tenoned by its stump, for I had borrowed other tools by this time.

最后以涡轮叶片榫头特征的可制造性分析为应用实例,说明该方法的有效性和实用性。An example of rabbet feature manufacturability of a turbine blade was given to show the method available.

你得处理好木料干燥后引起的不同的收缩率,以保证榫头紧固不松。You have to try to handle the different rates at which the wood dries, so the joints get tight and durable.

研究了叶片锻件榫头、凸台和叶身的相互位置关系及如何生成叶片锻件实体。According to the relationships, the solid bodies of the blade forging parts can be generated from the three parts.

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但要使那些小方块可以随意转动而不散开,不仅是个机械难题,这牵涉到木制的轴心,座和榫头等。But for those small cubes can turn at will not spread, not only is a mechanical problem, which involves the wooden axis, seat and tenons, etc.

文中将实验检测技术与数值计算方法相结合,求解飞机发动机叶片榫头上的接触应力分布。The contact stress distribution in the rabbet of the aircraft engine blade was determined by combining the experimental and numerical methods.

着种斗拱结构造工精致,不用一根钉子,完全采用榫头,榫槽相互衔接。The roof structure is supported by a wood en system of brackets are connected by mortise and tendon joints and not a single nail is used for connection.

仅以教育背景为例,营销倾向于开制榫机,我要生产榫头当然是越多越好。Just the education background for example, you know marketing tend to be much more matcher driving, I need to produce lees you know the more the merrier.

研究表明,本次断裂故障为由于叶片榫头与榫槽的非正常接触而产生的微动磨损导致的疲劳断裂,属于个性的小概率事件。It concluded that this fracture was caused by fretting wear from exceptional contact between dovetail and groove, and there was only a little probability.

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当你对拼合的合适程度满意之后,在榫头和榫槽上都涂上胶水,将榫卯拼接起来并用夹钳夹好直到胶水固化。Once you're satisfied with the fit, apply glue to all the mating surfaces, and slide the pieces together. Clamp the assembly securely until the glue has dried.

每当电灯保险丝烧断、家具榫头松动、管道堵塞、吸尘器不动时,有些妻子认为丈夫总有办法。When lights fuse, furniture gets rickety, pipes get clogged, or vacuum cleaners fail to operate, some woman assume that their husbands will somehow put things right.

每当电灯保险丝烧断、家具榫头松动、管道堵塞、吸尘器不动时,有些妻子认为丈夫总有办法。When lights fuse, furniture gets rickety, pipes get clogged, or vacuum cleaners fail to operate, some women assume that their husbands will somehow put things right.