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只适合在发展联盟打球。Only in the D-League.

这是一个精神联盟。It was a spirit union.

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英雄联盟有全图吗想看帽子戏法么?Want to see a hat trick?

天合联盟的口号?What is SkyTeam slogan ?

这是个后卫的联盟。This is a guard's league.

联编的联盟运河边。Union canal side of link.

联盟的资源和新闻。The Alliance resources and news.

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你是联盟里最最稳定的球员。You are the steadiest of steady.

南方联盟军穿灰色制服。Confederate army was a vast gray.

什么是戏剧演员的联盟?。What is the Theater Actor's Union?

如果你喜欢壁球,参加一个联盟。If you enjoy squash, join a league.

漫不经心是一个联盟的失败。Insouciance is an alliance failure.

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杰出的六百联盟英雄汉。Noble six hundred alliance Warrior.

血精灵与海妖联盟。The Blood elves ally with the Naga.

这个联盟适合他们双方。The alliance has suited both sides.

这是联盟的一个关键问题。This is a key issue for Federation.

垫子必须是世界空手道联盟核准的设计。They must be of approved WKF design.

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伊拉克是阿拉伯联盟的创始国。Iraq is a founder of the Arab League.

联盟想要他们坐好别动。The league wants them to stay seated.

米兰能首夺获得欧洲联盟杯吗?。Can AC Milan get their first UEFA cup?