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为何改换成澳大利亚燕麦干草?Why change to Australian Oaten Hay?

对的,然后她改换了和自己结婚的品牌。Bingo, he or she changes spousal brands.

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生石灰变粉应及时改换。Quick lime powder should be timely change.

请问可以改换有海景窗户的舱房吗?May I change to a stateroom with an ocean view?

他们不时地改换住宅。They changed their dwellings from time to time.

已经认定了的目标不能再改换。The goal that was named cannot be countermanded.

嘻哈文明永远不会由于时间而停止改换。Hip-pop culture will not stop when time cha strongge.

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第三,联读悟写,改换门庭。Third, the joint reading of Jones writing changed, but so.

不过风俗犹存,但许多已经改换了形式,加上了伪装。Many, however, linger only in a metamorphosed or disguised form.

当然他们的谈话也改换题目了,新的话题也悄悄地谈开了。Of course their conversation alters, and new themes are bruited.

但是目前看来餐馆还不必要立即改换它们的菜单。And it seems restaurants don't necessarily need to change their menus anytime soon.

对于创业者而言,要改变想法是很容易的,但是要改换创业搭档就很难了。In a startup you can change your idea easily, but changing your cofounders is hard.

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当意呆利改换门庭的时候,一些意呆利人不想向德国人投降。Some Italians decided to not surrender to Germans when their country changed sides.

因为不受重视,他打算改换门庭,另投他人。Because he's not receiving attention, he plans to switch allegiance to a new master.

数千名示威者上街游行,要求改换政府。Thousands of protesters marching in the streets, calling for a change in leadership.

在2011年,第十一届党代表大会几乎肯定会改换国家领导层。In 2011, the 11th party congress will almost certainly renew the national leadership.

一位妇女说,“叫我改换饮食就像叫我换孩子。”One woman said, "Asking me to change my diet is like asking me to change my children."

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一些老牌政党要么改换门庭,要么被新兴的政党所取代。Some used to be dominating parties either replaced by new ones or changed their titles.

但非,当穹顶非旋转的,椋鸟便改换它们的方向与天然天外相解婚。But when the dome was rotgotd the fowl changed their direction to match theduplicgot sky.

半年后该公司改换门庭并登陆美国OTCBB市场。This company changes after half an year door front courtyard lands American OTCBB market.