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我们可以齐心协力制止他.We can work together to stop him.

防艾与禁毒必须齐心协力、齐抓共管。AIDS drug must work together, together.

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你是否能和同事齐心协力将事情办好?Do you cooperate with coworkers to get things done?

请务必让你和你的伴侣在这方面齐心协力。Make sure you and your partner are working together on this.

幽灵战队齐心协力以完成最复杂的任务。Team up with your Ghost squad to accomplish the most complicated missions.

郭采洁和工作人员齐心协力,为了推出新的写真集。Amber and the staffs coordinate their efforts to issue the new photo album.

齐心协力抓好消防,共同打造平安家园!Pull together to do the work of fire-fighting, create a safe home together!

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我们需要齐心协力去理解每个小组试图达到的目标。We need to work together to understand what each group is trying to achieve.

我们需要民主党人和共和党人齐心协力帮助增长经济。We need Democrats and Republicans to work together to help grow this economy.

我们的种族,因为被遗忘的过去而走到一起,齐心协力面对未来。Bacause of the past be forgotten and come together to face the future together.

要齐心协力、群策群力,渡过当前这道难关。Must work as one, pool brains and brawn, has tided over the current this difficulty.

多年以前,我们的先辈齐心协力,不畏艰难,建立了这个国家。Many years ago, our forefathers pulled together and worked hard to build this nation.

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节育是段关系中两人要共同讨论的问题——你们两个要齐心协力。Birth control is a two-person decision in a relationship –you both have to be on board.

让我们齐心协力,共创北邮微软技术俱乐部的美好明天!Let us all work together to create a better tomorrow for BUPT Microsoft Technology Club!

她鼓励巴基斯坦人民和机构在这场危机中“齐心协力”。She urged the people and institutions of Pakistan to “pull together” during this crisis.

全党同志齐心协力,在各项工作中得到了显著的成绩。All our Party comrades have worked as one man and made marked achievements in every held.

现在就等着各Khronos成员公司和开发者齐心协力建为WebGL立一个成熟的程序开发生态系统了,加油!Now it's up to allies and developers to build WebGL a full-fledged programming ecosystem.

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如果我们要扭转乾坤,那么我们都必须负起责任,齐心协力。We've all got to accept responsibility and pull together if we are to turn things around.

让我们继续齐心协力,为全体人民创造一个更光明的前程和更美好的家园。Let us continue to work together to create a brighter future and a better home for all of us.

他说,正因为有了语言,人类才能做到千万人齐心协力,而狒狒最多三五成群。Instead, language has allowed us to cooperate in groups of millions instead of dozens, he says.