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他鼓励我去取得令人目眩的成功。He stayed me to make a hit.

渔民因此头昏目眩而怨声载道。Fishermen complain of dizziness.

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他的车头灯照的我目眩。I was dazzled by his headlights.

汽车前灯的灯光使我目眩。The lights of the car dazzled me.

命运瞬息万变,令人目眩。Fortunes change with dizzy abruptness.

爱情它是个难题,让人目眩神迷。Love it is a problem, people blinking.

宝贝,你现在令我目眩神迷。You knock me off of my feet now, baby.

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猛然的阳光使她目眩。She was dazzled by the sudden sunlight.

这就是图画具有阳光令人目眩的效果。This is the Apollonian effect of painting.

令人目眩的华灯之下竟有一副黑暗的躯体。Against the dazzlingly bright lights lay a dark figure.

我不禁目眩神迷,不知道守在哪根鱼竿旁边的才是我自己。I felt dizzy anddidn't know which rod I was at the end of.

一名被飞来的瓦片击中头部,被打得头昏目眩者,他也不会对该瓦片报复。A man who is dazed by hit of a flying tile doesn't revenge the tile.

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但是他已有两回感到头昏目眩,这叫他担心。Twice, though, he had felt faint and dizzy and that had worried him.

情愿头昏目眩,也不能因恶心欲吐而丧失力气。It is better to be light-headed than to lose your strength from nausea.

不过,现在我们可以发现巴罗佐已经成了一个令人目眩的好战分子。It turned out, however, that Barroso was on belligerent and coruscating form.

这是经常发生的事,她头好像转个不停似的,有时她头昏目眩。Often her head seemed to turn round and round and sometimes she fell fainting.

这令人目眩而又朴实无华的美丽南极冰景一直陪伴着我们。The stunning, austere beauty of the Antarctic icescape is our constant companion.

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沐浴在春日的阳光中,一袭白色婚纱的美朱散发着令人目眩的光芒。Bathed in the spring sunlight, the white wedding dress Miaka wore sparkled blindingly.

经常赤身裸体的斯卡有一大把机会在小屏幕上让人目眩神迷。Frequently in the buff, Skars has plenty of opportunities to stun on the small screen.

一个目眩的生物在攻击检定和基于视觉的察觉检定上有-1减值。A dazzled creature takes a –1 penalty on attack rolls and sight-based Perception checks.