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她太纤弱了,无法打篮球。She was too slight to play basketball.

她比克里斯蒂更瘦小更纤弱。She is smaller and slighter than Christie.

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当然,这对雅虎来说是纤弱的舞蹈。This is, of course, a delicate dance for Yahoo.

肌肉纤弱无力是杀手,这在生命中很早就初露端倪了。Frailty is a killer, and it can start very early in life.

邻座上,一位纤弱的暹罗人正在那里展卷精读一部兵法手册。By his elbow a delicate Siamese conned a handbook of strategy.

她纤弱的体质使得她不欲担任如此艰钜的工作。Her delicate constitution disincline her from such an arduous job.

她纤弱的体质使得她不欲担任如此艰钜的工作。Her delicate constitution disinclined her from such an arduous job.

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粗细得当,太粗似显笨拙,太细失之纤弱。Weight properly, may seem too rough clumsy, missing the delicate too small.

随着晚风的轻拂,那纤弱的蕊上散发着淡淡的幽香。With the breeze the breeze, then distributed at the core delicate hint of fragrance.

纤弱的茎,修长的叶,最高处顶出一蓬芦花,金黄、雪白、淡金。Slim stem, long leaf, a flower come out on the top, golden, snow white, light yellow.

这张图像是夜间飞行纤弱梳颌翼龙的骨骼标本。This image shows the skeleton of the nocturnal flyer Ctenochasma elegans, a pterosaur.

她是一个纤弱的女人,口气坚定,声音清脆,但说话温和,神色坦然,而且笑口常开。She's a slight woman, with a firm, clear, but soft-spoken voice, a direct look and a ready smile.

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但他们却把这个头带鲜花的纤弱女人视做最大的敌人。But they still act as if there is no greater enemy than this slight woman with flowers in her hair.

我勇敢地走出机舱拉起她的手,她的手冰冷而纤弱,使我的心是如此的痛惜。I boldly take her hands out of the cabin, her hands are cold and dedicated, and so my heart is so deplored.

尽管你身材纤弱娇小,说话柔声细气,然而却很有力量,这是一种真正的精神美!Although you speak softly delicate petite stature, thin air, but very strong, it is a true spiritual beauty!

⊙、尽管你身材纤弱娇小,说话柔声细气,然而却很有力量,这是一种真正的精神美!Although your stature petite frame, speak softly fine gas, yet very powerful, this is the spirit of a true beauty!

哦,“她是想用她纤弱的声音为我鸣不平”我这么想,不由地心里有点感动而鼓起勇气去看她。Oh, she intends to speak out the truth, for me, using her voice of frailty. " I thought and was encouraged to see her."

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是什么力量能支持这纤弱的身体不言不动、不吃不喝而静坐二十多天?What is the strength to support the delicate body does not words do not move, eat or drink while the sit-in more than 20 days?

因为怕失去你,我把你紧紧地拥在怀里。是什么魔法把这世界的宝贝牵引到我这纤弱的臂膀中的呢?For fear of losing you I hold you tight to my breast. What magic has snared the world's treasure in these slender arms of mine?

不同之处在于他们没有像其他国家一样,利用纤弱的X射线和伽马射线来引发变异。The difference is that Dr Abe is not using namby-pamby X-rays and gamma rays to mutate her crop, as is the way in most other countries.