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眼看武馆馆主将要反败为胜。See the martial arts will be crowned and win the game.

该队在上半场惨败后重整旗鼓反败为胜。After a disastrous first half the team fought back to win.

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球队本来要输了,但麦克投中了一个三分球并反败为胜。The team was expected to lose, but Mike made three points and saved the day.

其它公司如果想反败为胜,就只能寄希望于下一个新事物的到来了!Other companies who want to win with the next hot new thing should take note.

他没有抓住最好的胜机,结果被对手反败为胜了。He didn't take the best winning chances, and was beaten by his opponent instead.

但是民调结果显示麦凯恩将难以反败为胜。But public opinion polls suggest that McCain will have to climb out of a deep hole.

我队在最后五分钟内连进两球,反败为胜。Our team turned the tables in the last five minutes by scoring two goals successively.

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但在接下来的两场对抗中,他反败为胜,赢得了奥运参赛资格。But he came back to beat Jefferson in the next two matches to win the berth to Beijing.

随着人群对后面一局反败为胜的欢呼声,数百只海鸥突然出现在一水之隔的对岸。As the crowd cheers the late-inning comeback, hundreds of gulls appear from across the water.

在奥兰多,76人在第三节落后18分的情况下最后反败为胜,取得了客场胜利。In Orlando, the 76ers roared back from a 18-point third-quarter deficit to claim the road win.

非模拟模式比赛,使用任意球队在第四节开始前落后10分以上的情况下,最终反败为胜。Start the 4th period losing by 10 or more points and win with any team, in a non-simulated game.

在神灵与妖怪的追杀之下,久保反败为胜的唯一希望就是寻回父亲生前披戴过的那副拥有法力的盔甲。After the gods and monsters, the only hope is to turn the tide Kubo her father wearing the armor that has mana.

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超级皮波用自己的帽子戏法帮助红黑军团主宰了雷吉奥。卡拉布里亚并反败为胜。SuperPippo helped himself to a hat-trick as the Rossoneri came from a goal down to dominate in Reggio Calabria.

因而马利基宣告了设立一个多数派联盟,目的在于反败为胜。Mr Maliki has thus announced a plan to set up a multi-confessional coalition, making a virtue of his predicament.

火箭队在第四节再也没有取得过主动权,最终主队反败为胜。The Rockets never re-gained command in the fourth quarter as the home side reversed it to clinch a narrow victory.

但是几天后在密西根州,我们的对手却反败为胜沉重打击我方侯选人,保住了继续参选的地位。But in a couple of days, our opponent turned the table and clobbered our candidate in Michigan to stay in the race.

的飞镖比赛中,迈克以二比一战胜了我,但是今天我反败为胜,全部三局都赢了。In the previous darts competition Mike beat me two-one, but I turned the tables on him today by winning all three games.

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真相英雄安在勇再度流亡,他将如何反败为胜将陈嘉林逍遥法外,小绿从高楼跌下,真的死了吗?Truth in brave hero Ann again how he will exile, ChenJiaLin at large, round will fall from small green buildings, really dead?

切尔西通过了一次重大的胆量考验,他们从落后一球反败为胜晋身冠军联赛8强。Chelsea survived a major test of nerves by coming back from a goal down on the night to make the Champions League quarter-finals.

亚利桑纳州立大学媒体和大众传播学教授梅里尔认为,麦凯恩的表现还不错,但并不足以反败为胜。Bruce Merrill, professor of media and mass communications at Arizona State University, thought that McCain did well, though not enough.