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他因患中风而致半身不遂。The stroke left him paralysed on one side of his body.

还是自己变半身不遂,哪个会令你幸福?Or one in which you become paraplegic? Which would make you happier?

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泰国、法国和希腊被暴乱和罢工折腾得半身不遂。Riots and paralyzing strikes have crippled Thailand, France, and Greece.

身体其他部位也可能呈现麻木,还可能觉得异常,以至半身不遂。Other parts of the body may also appear numb and may feel abnormal or even paraplegia.

肩部半脱位是半身不遂患者常有的并发现象之一。Subluxation of shoulder is one of the most common complications found in stroke patients.

禹不顾全身子,忙碌劳累地造成自己半身不遂,是不懂得养身。Yu didn't know how to conserve health because he was too moiling and paralyzed his half body.

1997年,以色列工程师高飞博士遇到一起事故,让他半身不遂。In 1997 Dr Goffer, an Israeli engineer, suffered an accident that left him partially paralysed.

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一进门,我看见这是一套十分简陋的旧房子,房屋的主人是位半身不遂的老婆婆。A door, I saw a set of old house is very simple, the master of the house is a hemiplegia old lady.

但是从1986年开始,王凤琴的父母先后得了半身不遂,身边也没有子女能够固定地照应。But Wang's parents have both been paralyzed since 1986, with no children around to take care of them.

我需要提早为将来半身不遂的日子做准备,开门是个不错的锻炼机会。I might need to learn how to function as a paraplegic in future and opening doors is a good training.

兰迪.克劳斯身患瘫痪,左侧身体半身不遂,但是他的右手很强大,可以拿起一只.38口径的枪筒对准他的太阳穴。His left side was useless. But his right hand was good enough to lift the barrel of a .38 to his temple.

半身不遂的庄馥华在记者会里表示,「我需要一个稳定和适当的住家。」"I need a stable and suitable place to live, " partially paralyzed Chuang Fu-hua said at the press conference.

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立勋看在眼里,不自觉地联想起五年前令哲行半身不遂的意外,因而感到沮丧。Stand to see in the eye, do not consciously think to zhe line hemiplegia accident five years ago, so frustrated.

因车祸导致半身不遂的妻子韵华,对于当年惜秋的出现始终耿耿于怀,常借故与丈夫争吵。Traffic accident half-paralyzed wife rhyme China, in the autumn to cherish still always appear, often borrow past and her husband quarrel.

南非政府正准备支付数千美元赔偿金,在一个有蒸气且冒泡的马桶烫伤某位半身不遂的囚犯及下体后。The South African government is to stump up thousands of dollars in compensation after a steaming and private parts of a paraplegic prisoner.

尽管该词最初是巴宾斯基在半身不遂的背景下发现的,而且用于那个背景的情况也最频繁,它有更为宽泛的含义。Although it was originally discovered in the context of hemiplegia by Babinski and is most frequently used in that context, the word has a broader meaning.

传统的针灸疗法对中风引起的半身不遂轻症效果较好,但对半身不遂的典型症状如足尖下垂等的治疗效果不佳。Traditional acupuncture therapy is effective to the slight cases of hemiparalysis caused by wind-stroke, but for some typical symptoms such as foot drop, the effect is not as well as people expected.