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那篇文章一文不值。That article is not worth a damn.

戳破这窗户纸就一文不值。Let out the secret and it is worthless.

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说句天地良心话,那根本一文不值。By cock and pie it is not worth a penny.

没有工作,技术一文不值,他们说。Skills are useless without jobs, they said.

这辆生满锈的车一文不值。This car's worth next to nothing, which's full of rust.

二手碳权在欧洲碳交易市场一文不值。Used credits are worthless on European carbon exchanges.

如果你没有小甜饼,生活就一文不值。If you did not have the cookie, life was not worth a damn.

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毕加索和马蒂斯的作品将会一文不值。The work of Picasso and Matisse will never be worth anything.

他现在把这些一文不值的照片当成他的护身符和挡箭牌。He now regards these scruffy photographs as his shield and buckler.

没有通行证的钻石在合法交易市场上一文不值。Without certification, they are valueless on the legitimate market.

这总该有点价值了,就算某些人说话可是一文不值。And that should mean something, even to someone whose word means nothing.

如果你不清楚要怎样使用的话,新奇的工作学设备是一文不值的。Fancy ergonomic equipment is worthless if you don't identify how you're using them.

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财主和拉撒路的比喻则教导我们财产是如何变得一文不值的。The parable of the Rich Man and Lazarus taught how possessions were not to be used.

“承诺”没有统一零售价,有时一文不值,有时千金难买。"Commitment" No retail price maintenance, and sometimes nothing, sometimes priceless.

所有序号以这个数为末位数的纸币将一文不值,不再是法定货币。All currency with a serial number ending in that digit would no longer be legal tender.

可是那位先生,”她说到这里,便朝达西望了一眼,“就会觉得乡下一文不值。”But that gentleman, " looking at Darcy, "seemed to think the country was nothing at all."

那些股票在这个抵押贷款巨头被政府接管后几乎一文不值。Those securities were almost worthless after the mortgage giant was seized by the government.

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里面把湖南卫视,快女评委,曾轶可等等这些都说得一文不值。Inside the Hunan Satellite TV, fast-woman jury, he may be, and so these are right Yi worthless.

这也是为什么像这样的文章可能被转化,也可能一文不值——这都取决于你。Which is why an article like this can be transformational or worthless – it all depends on you.

“人口健康检查绝非灵丹妙药,但并不意味一文不值,”他补充说。“The fact that population screening is no panacea does not mean that it is useless, ” he added.