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谁能挽救僵局?Who would save it?

你挽救了我的生活。You saved my life.

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但她已无法挽救。She could not be saved.

超人也挽救不了他的生命。Superman can't save him.

挽救之道在于教育。The cure lies in education.

来看看我的生命是如何被挽救的。Back to how my life was saved.

即便他是为了挽救快要饿死的家人?Even to save a starving family?

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而我去见了辛蒂,也因此挽救了他。Going to see Cyndi, I saved him.

我们正在努力挽救海牛。We'retrying to save the manatees.

但我们至少可以挽救农事。But at least we could save farming.

我折断它的腿是为了挽救它的生命。I had to break him to save his life.

在某种程度上,贝多芬挽救了这段旋律Beethoven, in a way, saved this melody.

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在上述代码更换头套、挽救。Replace the CAPS in above code and Save.

科迪希望我挽救太空计划。Cody wanted me to save the space program.

他设法挽救了他同事的生命。He managed to save his co-workers' lives.

杰哈的任务是挽救这项业务。Jha's assignment was to fix the business.

什麽时候我们放弃或挽救台语呢?When will we give up Taigi or save Taigi?

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我将帮忙残疾人挽救他们的生命。And I will help invalids save their lives.

当爱修复完时,就能挽救婚姻。Marriages are saved when love is restored.

现在除非出现奇迹,已经无法挽救他了。Nothing short of a miracle can save him now.