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让达尔文大伤脑筋的问题今天仍在继续。That trouble continues today.

有什么问题让你伤脑筋吗?Do you have some trouble with you?

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采摘枇杷可伤脑筋。Now I got problem picking loquats.

他学习糟糕,这使他父亲大伤脑筋。His bad study adds his father's wits.

英文语法使那男孩大伤脑筋。English grammar tasked the boy' s mind.

他为这些事大伤脑筋。He puzzled his brains about the matter.

我就多了个相当伤脑筋的问题。I found im having a problem wiz myself.

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我的钢琴考试是相当令人伤脑筋的。My piano exam was pretty nerve-racking.

她碰到一丁点儿伤脑筋的事就心烦意乱。She ruffles at the slightest annoyance.

最伤脑筋的是做决定。That's the worst part -- making decisions.

英语的拼写法常常使人伤脑筋。The spelling of English is often puzzling.

他坐在那里对着古老的希伯来文本大伤脑筋。He sits puzzling over ancient Hebrew texts.

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有什么问题让你伤脑筋吗?Is anything the matter make you troublesome?

这是某妇女杂志中使编辑很伤脑筋的一个版面。This is the problem page of a girl's magazine.

“我没有你那么多伤脑筋的事,”老兵颤抖抖地说。I don't have your worries, " quavered e veteran."

“我没有你那么多伤脑筋的事,”老兵颤抖抖地说。"I don't have your worries, " quavered the veteran.

他们正在对新比赛规则大伤脑筋。They are puzzling through the new rules of the game.

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她该怎样处理这件事使她大伤脑筋。How she should handle this matter troubled her greatly.

多年来,签证问题一直让该地区大伤脑筋。For years visas have been a neuralgic issue in the region.

最后的进攻真让人伤脑筋。"That last play was a little nerve-racking, " Walton said.