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但依从你的话,我就下网。Rhema I will let down the net.

血液在依从的双唇上的闪光。The blood that gleams on the yielding lips.

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但依从你的话,我就下网。But because you say so, I will let down the nets.

我有时会不依从上司的命令。Sometimes, I may not abey the orders of the leader.

给他人建议,自己却不依从,是为表面。It is superficial to give advice that one does not follow oneself.

艾萝依从窗座起身摸黑找她的鞋子。Eloise got up from the window seat and felt in the dark for her shoes.

他的建筑形式既不依从于极简主义也不追随参数化设计。His forms do not comply with either a minimalist or a parametric approach.

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依从他的教诲每一种关系都成了关于爱的课程。Under His teaching every relationship becomes a lesson in love. T-20. V. 3

在我们目标语言的文本中,我们往往过多的忽略了这一点,而过多地依从源语言的规则。Far too many of us forget this and impose source-language rules on our target-language text.

大量制药商的发言人指出他们会依从FDA的指导。Spokespersons for a number of manufacturers indicated they would comply with the FDA’s order.

笔者也告诫可能有许多因素影响患者对药物治疗的不依从。The authors also cautioned that many factors may influence patient nonadherence with medication.

缺乏依从度意味着有50年历史的药物体制正在失败,因为耐多药菌株正在出现。Lack of adherence means the 50-year-old drug regimen is failing as multidrug-resistant strains emerge.

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我们在地球上的所依从的有关光和引力的规律同它们在遥远的宇宙角落里是一模一样的。We here on Earth obey the same laws of light and gravity as someone in a far off corner of the universe.

这类信息对一个企业的战略依从程序尤为重要。This kind of information is essential to an organisation's strategic compliance programme, " said Woburn."

治疗前后和治疗期间每天分别评估各消化不良症状的积分、药物副作用和患者的依从情况。The index scores of dyspeptic symptoms, side effects, and compliance were evaluated before and after treatment.

我们常常看到巴西葡萄牙语译本中,单词却是依从英语的规则大写。For instance, we often see Brazilian Portuguese translations where words are capitalized following English rules.

这些患者从开始未依从到复发之间的平均时间大约为两个半月。The mean time between the beginning of nonadherence and relapse in these patients was approximately two-and-a-half months.

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就这一点而论,安全、隐私以及法律依从仍然是是云计算和效用计算必须克服的主要障碍。As such, security, privacy, and compliance are major hurdles that cloud computing and utility computing still must overcome.

例如,“患者服用小于最佳疗效剂量的抗精神病药物后可能变得更不依从。”For example, “patients with a less than optimal response to an antipsychotic medication might be more likely to become nonadherent.”

依从是关系行为的一个重要维度,但国内外学者尚未探讨相互依赖与依从之间的关系。Although compliance is an important dimension, scholars have not yet studied the relationship between interdependence and compliance.