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这就是1504号心理学课程。So this is 1504.

心理学的。ABC The A, B, C of psychology.

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那就从心理学的角度来看一看吧。Look no further than psychology.

我以教育心理学为主修专业。I take world history as my major.

丽娜,你在学心理学。Lena, you're studying psychology.

按照心理学标准应该是香香公主。Xiangxiang Princess by psychology.

因此心理学在此扮演了重要角色So psychology is a big player here.

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我偏爱读思术胜过心理学。I prefer mind-reading to psychology.

这正是心理学起作用的地方。And this is where psychology can help.

她读过所有的心理学书籍。She has read all the psychology books.

同时这也是心理学的一个问题There's also a question of psychology.

道德情感又有什么心理学函义?What's the psychology of moral feeling?"

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积极心理学还帮助我们处理消极情绪。They also help us deal with the negative.

使用乌合之众的心理学控制群众。Use Mob Psychology to control the masses.

分析心理学的基本假设。Basic postulates of analytical psychology.

我在攻读教育心理学博士学位。I'm doing a PH. D. in Education Psychology.

为什么这本书在心理学专区?Why is this book in the psychology section?

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我把临床心理学的内容融入这个课程中。I draw on clinical psychology in this class.

他的专业是工程学和心理学。He was trained in engineering and psychology.

健康心理学的研究还处于初级阶段。The field of health psychology is in infancy.