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台下评判员如何记分?How do the judges score a bout?

士兵们在台下鼓噪。The soldiers are rising in a hubub.

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台上一分钟台下十年功。A minute on the stage takes ten-year practice.

台下的听众跟着歌声低声吟唱。The audience evencrooned to the rhythm of the songs.

餐台下有油脂或脏的胶贴。When greasy, dirty rags are used to wipe the tables.

台下的听众跟着歌声低声吟唱。The audience even crooned to the rhythm of the songs.

而在台下,他们的生活又如何与舞结缘呢?In the audience, how their lives be friends with Dance?

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那些在台下鼓掌的听众们也已风消云散。The audience that applauded their efforts has dispersed.

狂野的女孩,从台下走下来,和一群乡巴佬一同跳舞。Dirty girl, gettin' down, dance with guys from outta town.

所谓台上十分钟,台下十年功。The so-called ten minutes of stage, stage takes ten years.

台下的张涵予羞得拿手挠头。Under stage Zhang Hanyu shames adeptly scratches the head.

郭晓男被茅威涛台上与台下的双重魅力所吸引。Guo was drawn to Mao by her charisma both on and off stage.

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台上一分钟,台下十年功。One minute on the stage needs ten years practice off stage.

见到台下聚集的大量歌迷,上台后的杨洋激动不已。See table gathered fans, after taking the excited Yang Yang.

这让台下的温雪白雨她们松了一口吻。This let the temperature of the white pine a rain they tone.

吉姆不断台上台下一个不断忙碌。Today, Jim keeps an ever-busy schedule on and off the stage.

台下顿时响起如雷掌声。Under the stage resounds like the thunder applause immediately.

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他的眼睛盯着收银台下的杂志架。His eyes were fixed on the magazine rack next to the cash register.

浴室洗手台下的水管被一大团头发塞阻塞。The pipe under the bathroom sink was jammed by a huge clot of hair.

她会在舞台上表演多丽丝,他们在台下看着。She will be on the stage copying Dorothy, and they will be watching.