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我无可奉告。No comment.

无可奉告“,他说。No comment, he says.

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“无可奉告”就是一条奉告。“No comment” is a comment.

我说过无可奉告了。I believe i said no comment.

无可奉告。我什么都不知道。No comment. I don't know anything.

梁洛施发言人表示无可奉告。Leong's spokesperson refused to comment.

对这件事,我无可奉告。I have nothing to say about the incident.

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"对于这个问题,我们无可奉告。"。"On this question, we will not comment, " Mr. Zakharov said.

他问警察"为什么会这样",得到的回答是"无可奉告"。He asked the police what happened and only got the answer "No comment."

他们纷纷报以法国式或苏格兰式的耸肩,表示无可奉告。They shrugged their French and Scottish shoulders and made him no answer.

普京的主要发言人昨天表示对上述报道“无可奉告”。Putin’s chief spokesman yesterday said he had ‘no comment’ on the reports.

当记者们打探是否捉到了凶手时,他说“无可奉告”。He said, “No-comment” when the reporters asked him if the killer was arrested.

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代表“在线扑克”的律师说无可奉告,弗格森也不予置评。An attorney for Full Tilt said he had no comment, and that neither did Mr. Ferguson.

他们的成绩与现代水平相比结果如何,遗憾的是我们无可奉告。How their results compared with modern standards, we unfortunately have no means of telling.

我们上周五通过电话联系到傅先生,他表示对于他的博客他无可奉告。Reached by telephone on Friday, Mr. Fu said he could not answer any questions about his blog.

就连不甚热情的语调或者简明扼要的“无可奉告”都有可能像负面评价一样影响你的形象。Even a less-than-enthusiastic tone of voice or a terse "no comment" can be as damaging as a negative remark.

然而,施瓦格关于海龟们的章节总是以“无可奉告”结束。However, Schwager's Turtle chapter ended up being about the fact that the Turtles kept saying, "No comment."

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我们考虑了伦敦周边的五个机场,但是出于安全原因,我们对于为什么最终选择了斯坦斯特机场无可奉告。Five airports around London were considered but, for security reasons, we won't explain why Stansted was chosen.

也有许多人总是说“无可奉告”,更有甚者威胁我们,不允许在书中出现他们的名字。Many said 'no comment' and some organisa- tions even made threats about their names being mentioned in our book.

国防部起初拒绝证实这起事故,并说关于潜艇任务的事宜无可奉告。The Ministry of Defence initially refused to confirm the incident, saying it was not policy to comment on submarine operations.