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滴落在地上。to the ground.

头到地上滚吧!Head's gonna roll.

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他急忙地上骀了床。He tumbled into bed.

再你捡起地上一颗大石头。You take a big stone.

它掉到了地上It falls on the stage.

它重重地跌到地上。It landed with a thump.

因为洪水地上全湿了。The ground is the flood.

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他仰面平躺在地上。He fell flat on his back.

面朝下,趴在地上。On the ground, face down.

他把瓶子猛地向地上一摔。He dashed the bottle down.

她再望望地上。She glanced on the ground.

终于飘落在地上。Finally fall on the ground.

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我沐浴时将它掉到地上了。I dropped it in the shower.

花瓶落在地上,哗啦一声碎了。The vase fell with a smash.

我们把整个音响摔到地上We dropped the whole thing.

他在地上树起了一根杆子。He set a post in the ground.

有一片罗卜掉到了地上。A slice falls onto the floor.

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她好像被打昏似的摔倒在地上。She collapsed as if poleaxed.

地上有霜。There is frost on the ground.

地上薄薄地铺了一层雪。A thin, glassy coating of ice.