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歌词简单,但不呆板,其特点是在音韵上广泛运用叠字。The Short Song often employs repetition in its lyrics.

我痴迷的心正再次为你打造那串美妙音韵的项链。My spellbound heart has made and remade the necklace of songs

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每句词每个音韵里听到这些,所有的喧闹,喊叫,诱惑。Every lyric and every rhyme, all the hoopla, all of the whoopty woo.

原诗确实是感情真挚、音韵和谐的“乐府”佳作。The original version was one of the best emotional, harmonious poems.

我想这行诗中,有三个重音韵。I think there are really three strong metrical accents in a row there.

而文场的音乐与唱腔却又是音韵缭绕、幽美动听。In plot scenes, music and vocal music are beautifully combined together.

我怀疑罗伯特。弗罗斯特对这首诗的格律、暗喻和音韵作何评价!I wonder what Robert Frost would say about its meter, metaphor, and rhyme!

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从音韵上讲,汉诗和英诗压韵的方法有很大区别。On rhyme, the two languages find their different ways in making musical effects.

音韵和音素意识和阅读能力是紧密相连的。Phonological and phonemic awareness are closely associated with reading ability.

音韵特性可以在不同地域的书面文本体现出来。Phonetic properties are cued by their graphological counterparts in written texts.

文章介绍百合平话的声韵调系统和音韵特点,并列出同音字汇。It is an introductory to the rhyme, the pronunciation and homophone in Ziyang Town.

在这样一个曼妙的场合,诗歌的音韵和魅力是最强的。Nothing can match the melody and fragrance of these poems on this beautiful occasion.

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惟其短促,人生四季的秋时,才有了特殊的音韵。Because it's briefness, autumn in the four seasons of life just had its special rhyme.

根据日语原始的音韵结构,最先没有促音。Glottal stop did not exist according to the structure of original phonology in Japanese.

此外,阅读教学和音韵意识互相促进。Furthermore, reading instruction and phonological awareness mutually reinforce each other.

人类语言在功能上有相通之处,因而音韵可以翻译。Human languages share commonplace in function and it makes phonology transference possible.

诗无论在空中或在地上都有无限之感,因为它的语言能舞动、音韵能飞翔。The poems in the air and earth, for its words have meaning that walks and music that sours.

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今夜在这和谐的音韵中渐渐睡去,一帘夜雨半帘梦,点点滴滴到天明……With the harmonious rhyme of the rain tonight, I fell into asleep gradually until tomorrow.

谚语翻译讲究形式美、音韵美和内涵美。Proverb translation should be in accordance with aesthetics of forms, phonology and connotation.

英语习语是富于色彩的语言形式,它言简意赅,形象生动,音韵和谐,琅琅上口。English idiom is a form of language with coloring, it is concise, vivid, harmonious and offhanded.