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淘汰一些。Eliminate some.

而男人,会被淘汰。Men will be obsolete.

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为什么有如此高的淘汰率?Why the high fallout rate?

商店将会被淘汰。Stores will become obselete.

这家公司淘汰庸才。The company abhors mediocrity.

由此弱者被淘汰出局也在情理之中。The weaker ones were weeded out.

淘汰雷霆吗?抱歉,继续做梦吧。Against OKC? Sorry, but dream on.

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甜美的,幸运的,被时尚淘汰的侄女。Sweet, lucky, out-of-fashion niece.

每天有200辆“大众“轿车被淘汰。Volkswagens are rejected every day.

这台单放机早该淘汰了。This tape player is already obsolete.

你的汽车早就该淘汰了。Your car would be superannuated early.

加拿大和印度计划在2012年开始逐步淘汰白炽灯。Canada and India plan to do so by 2012.

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三星向中国出售其淘汰产品。Samsung sells its left- overs to China.

让人高兴的是,它已经被淘汰了。Thankfully, they've fallen into disuse.

他淘汰了他能想到的每个公司。He trashes every company he can think of.

杂色的犬都会被淘汰出竞赛。Parti-colored dogs shall be disqualified.

他在最后一场考试中被淘汰。He was washed out in the last examination.

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但这是否意味着旅游指南书就要被淘汰了呢?But does it mean the end of the guidebooks?

这样的人的结果铁定是被淘汰。Such a person's results must be eliminated.

泰国在2000年淘汰了DDT的使用。Thailand phased out the use of DDT in 2000.